A Game of Morons: The Importance of Picking Your Battles

Have you ever gotten really mad over something really stupid, and then did something you really regretted? If so, don’t feel too bad. There are people making far, far worse decisions about far, far more inconsequential things… For example, I came across a story recently about a man who was arrested for throwing his cousin […]
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
PBT: How to Make Good Decisions Without Pistol Whipping Your Mother

Here’s another one from the “stupid young criminal” file… Turns out a girl, an honor student who had already been accepted into multiple Ivy League schools, got herself into a bit of trouble. You can read the full story here: Rachel Hachero, Honor Student, Pistol-Whips Mom, Forces Her to Buy Car at Gunpoint In a […]
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
The Idiot Bank Robber’s Guide to Achieving Your Goals

Here’s one from the “what we can learn from stupid criminals” file… A guy walks into a bank in China (I know, it sounds like a strange joke setup, but it’s not). He pulls out something like a hammer or club, and begins banging away at the glass that separates customers from tellers. Apparently, this […]
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
How to Avoid Making Stupid Mistakes Out of Stupid Anger

Have you ever done something really stupid when you were angry? If so, don’t worry; now you can feel better about yourself, because I doubt you have ever done something this stupid. I came across this story that a) strongly suggests that stupidity is genetically linked and b) is a good example of how easy […]
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
Twitter Stupidity Can Get You Arrested

How many people need to get in trouble over something they Tweet or post on Facebook or some other social media site before people learn their lesson? At least one more, it seems… I came across this story about a guy who posted a Tweet that ended up getting him arrested and convicted: My tweet […]

By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+