Bring the Ultimate Improv Experience to You!
How would you like to bring a customized improv for speakers workshop to you? Now you can!
In this unique workshop, Avish will come out to your location and conduct a 2-day, in-depth workshop using improv comedy to work on your humor, speaking, and quick thinking skills. You control the time, location, and participants, and Avish provides the content.
Using improv comedy, Avish can help you:
- Develop your “authentic speaking style”
- Unleash your inner comedian and find humor that works for you
- Think quickly on your feet in any situation
- Punch up your existing material and make it funnier (without telling jokes)
- Create and structure your content quickly and effectively
- Develop your “watchability” as a speaker so that you automatically engage and entertain your audiences
- And more
Benefits of this Approach
This workshop setup has a few advantages over “traditional” workshop formats:
- Avish comes to you – no need to travel!
- We set dates that work within your schedule
- Customized content – with a small group, you can decide and agree on everyone’s objectives in advance
- You get to invite participants, so there’s no concern about the synergy and attitude of attendees
- The session has a “fixed cost,” independent of number of attendees. Fewer people means a little more per person but you get much more individual attention. More people makes it cheaper for everyone with more group activities.
How it works
It’s simple:
- Get 4-12 colleagues/clients/employees/friends who want to use improv to improve their speaking, humor, and creative skills together
- Work with Avish to pick dates that work for everyone
- You set up a venueto hold the event. This can be anything from a rented conference room to a spacious living room. The only requirements are that
- It be big enough to accommodate all participants (with seating)
- It be a separate space (away from “curious eyes”)
- It be in a location where we can make noise without getting complaints
- The cost is fixed, and you can split it however you want (Equally amongst all, give a discount to host or organizer, etc.)
- Avish will set up a payment link for your event
- Once all payments are received, Avish will book his travel and stay
- The event will consist of 4 sessions of approximately 3 hours each. The session will be in-depth and hands-on and be a combination of improv comedy and speaking exercises
$4200, split amongst participants as described above
Book your session by July 31st, 2012, and the cost is only $3,000!
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+