7 Simple Ideas to Help You Refine Your Plan and Fulfill Your Potential!
Last Tuesday, December 6th, was the sixth session in the Smart Ass Success Teleseminar Series. I had an awesome interview with James Rick Stinson, and he shared some terrific information on analyzing your plan, making necessary changes, and how we all can truly reach our Full Potential.
Below I have posted a 3 minute clip from the interview, as well as 7 simple ideas I got from talking with James about being “living at a ‘10’” in all areas of you life and “Refining Your Plan for Maximum Effect and Efficiency!” (There were many more…).
If you’d like to get the full audio of James’ call, plus a bevy of bonuses and access to 6 more calls with awesome experts (along with the call recordings and transcriptions), you can still sign up. Just visit the Smart Ass Success Teleseminar page and sign up now! Regardless of when you sign up, you’ll get the recordings of all past and future calls.
Here’s the sample:
Here are seven simple but powerful ideas you can use to be reach your full potential:
- There are seven major areas you need to live at a “level 10” to truly fulfill your full potential: physical, mental, spiritual, social, emotional, financial, and environment. Create a vision of what a “10” would look like in all those areas.
- To access your inner wisdom and creativity, and to gain clarity in stressful times, take a “space break.” Pause, do nothing, and take a few simple breaths while you empty your mind of thoughts. A few strategic space breaks throughout the day will do wonders for your focus and productivity.
- Create a maintenance routine that allows you to operate at your highest level. This is a series of things you do that set you up for success in at least the first three major areas of your life (physical, mental, and spiritual)
- If you want to work in a more organized way, you have to be deliberate in where you want to go. You have to work against the force of entropy as you move forward.
- Periodically “zoom out” and ask yourself, “What do I want to accomplish today, this week, this year, this life, and even beyond.” This give you the perspective you need to make better long term decisions.
- When working, “zoom in” and focus only on the task at hand. This maximizes your productivity and gets you results.
- Having a big task list may just be a way to feel like you are being productive when in actuality what you are doing is avoiding the thing that we really need to do. Whatever it is that you are supposed to do in your life, that is the thing you will feel the most resistance to doing. Be aware of that, and make that task your highest priority.
Thanks for reading (and listening)!
Remember, there’s still time to sign up for the Smart Ass Success Teleseminar and get all the recordings, transcriptions, and bonuses! But hurry, because once the Series ends, the offer will be gone!
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+