7 Simple Ideas to Help You be “Super Productive”!
Last Tuesday, November 22nd, was the fourth session in the Smart Ass Success Teleseminar Series. I had an awesome interview with Neen James, and he shared
Below I have posted a six minute clip from the interview, as well as 7 simple ideas I got from talking with Neen about being productive and “Executing Your Plans Like a Rock Star!” (There were many more…).
If you’d like to get the full audio of Neen’s call, plus a bevy of bonuses and access to 6 more calls with awesome experts (along with the call recordings and transcriptions), you can still sign up. Just visit the Smart Ass Success Teleseminar page and sign up now! Regardless of when you sign up, you’ll get the recordings of all past and future calls.
Here’s the sample:
Here are seven simple but powerful ideas you can use to be super-productive:
- The key to productivity is not to follow someone else’s system, but rather to identify your own productivity style. When and how do you do your best work?
- Super-productivity is more than just managing your time. It’s about properly managing your time, energy, and focus.
- To keep making progress, especially on your own personal goals, it is critical that you set up some accountability for yourself.
- If you have a task or project you have been procrastinating on or that has stalled, commit to working on it just 15 minutes at a time. You’ll be amazed at how much you can get done in 15 minutes, and you’ll start building momentum.
- Delegating is an important way to make the most of your time. If you don’t have the funds, consider bartering your time and expertise with others.
- Ask yourself, “What can I delete” from my life or schedule. Get rid of the unimportant to make room for the high priority stuff.
- “No” can be a powerful word, if you use it free up your time, energy, and focus, for the things that truly matter to you. To quote Neen, “We don’t have time to do everything; we only have time to do what matters.”
Thanks for reading (and listening)!
Remember, there’s still time to sign up for the Smart Ass Success Teleseminar and get all the recordings, transcriptions, and bonuses! But hurry, because once the Series ends, the offer will be gone!
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+