Quick Feedback Requested: Networking for People Who Hate Networking
Do you hate (or even just dislike) networking? Then read on!
I am planning on putting together a product called something along the lines of, “Networking for People Who Hate Networking.” It’s based on some very well received programs I’ve done in the past few months, and, as the title implies, it approaches networking from the perspective of the person (like me) who doesn’t enjoy it. At all.
Before I get off and running creating the product, I wanted to take an informal poll to gauge interest. Here is a brief description, followed by two links. If you would be interested in this product, please click the “yes, I would be interested” link. If not, click the “no thanks, I don’t have an interest in that topic,” link.
Product Details
I hate networking. Always have. And yet, I know how important making and building new relationships is. As such, I have worked on becoming a better networker over the years.
While on this quest, I read a lot of books and listened to a lot of programs. They all had good info, but they suffered from one big problem: They all seemed to be written by people who enjoyed the process of networking!
Because of this, most of them fell flat for me. They either glossed over the parts I hated or spouted off the same platitudes that never seemed right to me. I got tired of hearing things like:
- “Just pretend you’re an actor playing a role” (seems to me a person who would be good at “pretending” to be someone else in public wouldn’t have trouble networking in the first place).
- “Remember, you’re doing others a disservice by not talking to them” (No matter how many times I said it to myself, it never felt true).
- “Just get over it” (really? This isn’t a very helpful piece of advice…)
In this program, I focus on approaches people who don’t enjoy the networking process can do to still make networking work for them.
Full details will be released if and when I put the product together. Here’s what I am projecting to be in the product package
- A PDF E-book on the topic of 50-100 pages
- 5-10 supporting videos, watchable online or via download. Each will be about 5 minutes in length
- 3 additional MP3 interviews covering various aspects of this topic
I am planning on pricing this at $27 (yes, just $27) for the whole thing.
So, my question to you is, would you be interested in buying this product?
Yes, I would be interested in a product like this
No thanks, I don’t have an interest in that topic
(no obligation to buy it when it comes out, this is just an informal poll)

By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+