Live Tweets of Ding! Happens
This past weekend I did a keynote for the National Association for Court Management. A few people “live tweeted” the speech, and I took a look at the Tweets afterward. It is pretty interesting to see what other people pull out of your speech as the most “Tweet-worthy.”
I have listed all the tweets regarding my speech below. This is basically a summary of my main points from my audience’s perspective. You might find some useful lessons and solid reminders to help you react when Ding Happens. The Tweets are listed chronologically (though my favorite is, I am crying so hard I cant tweet. So funny.).
Note #1: If any of the Tweets jump out at you as something you would like more info on, let me know in the comments or email me and I will write a future blog post on it!
Note #2: For more info about my keynote presentations, check out my Motivational Humorist Page.
Note #3: If you are not yet following me on Twitter, you can do so by clicking here.
Ding! Happens Live Tweets:
- Avish Parashar beginning keynote address after NACM business meeting concluded.
- NACM volunteer rings bell to help Avish improv.
- how well do you deal when the unexpected occurs?
- principle 1 – let go on what you can’t control and just do what you can control.
- the only thing you can control oftentimes is your response
- We can’t control situations but we can control our reactions to those situations.
- people will do stupid things you can’t control
- I am crying so hard I cant tweet. So funny.
- when “ding” happens don’t honk the horn.
- focus on what you can control, leave the rest
- remember to think about the big picture.
- it’s important to have a good attitude, try and be willing to make mistakes
- pbt – pause, breathe, think
- What is the big picture when something goes wrong? You need to pause, breathe, and think before reacting.
- ding can come on big and small sizes
- sometimes unexpected events are exactly what you need
- when ding happens, don’t say yes but….instead say yes and.
- When something unexpected happens, step back, regroup, refocus, and respond by thinking “yes, and…”
- Responding to situations using “yes,and” builds collaboration and positive energy.
- action always beats inaction
- Action always beats inaction.
Are you planning an event and looking for a great speaker to add humor and energy? Then visit Avish’s Motivational Humorist page now!

By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
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