Halloween Humor!
I hope you are having a nice “All Hallows Eve!” And for those of you caught up in Sandy’s wrath, I hope you are safe and that your recovery is proceeding nicely…
To lighten the mood (and tap into the spirit of the day) here is a collection of Halloween/Horror Movie related posts I have done over the years.
Enjoy – and have a safe, fun, and happy Halloween!
Rating the Business Acumen of Horror Movie Monsters
Great movie monsters all have different strengths, weaknesses, and character traits. It is interesting to consider how these traits would carry over in the business world. By making these observations, there may be some things we too can learn about business…[Read more]
Motivational Humor: Stupid Things People Do In Horror Movies
You know who’s stupid? People in horror movies. So many horror movies rely on characters doing stupid things to get going or keep going. But their stupidity is our gain, as we can learn a lot about how to make our lives better (even in a non-horror movie survival sense) by simply not doing the stupid things they do…[Read more]
6 Business Lessons We Can All Learn From Horror Movies
Did you know that you can learn a lot of business lessons from watching horror movies? If not, then keep reading! Here are 6 business lessons we can all learn from horror movies…[Read more]
Halloween Dumbassery – What Are You Giving Out this Halloween?
It’s Halloween time, and that means candy! However, some of you will resist the pull of sweets and try to give out alternative treats. Here then are a few guidelines to help you make your Halloween decisions easier. Proceed with caution; your choice of Halloween treats should never be taken lightly…[Read more]
Halloween Humor – Get Dressed to Thrill!
Halloween is upon us! As an adult, I am assuming you are not going trick or treating (although I think we do need a holiday where adults can walk door to door and get free stuff – not candy, but something fun for adults like DVDs or mutual funds). However, you may find yourself invited to a Halloween costume party. If you plan to attend one you will need a costume. Picking one can be a high stress activity, but have no fear! It’s really quite simple. You have three basic costume options when it comes to dressing up for Halloween: Funny, Serious, or Sexy. This article outlines the main points of each so you can decide what approach you want to take this year…[Read more]
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By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+