4 Responses to ““Say Yes And!” I Need YOUR Input”


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  1. George Bruno

    Many of us who are professional commercial actors and spokespersons, dream about getting THE GIG as host on a television shopping channel. On those channels, they take LIVE phone calls cfrom the viewing audience. My observation is that even the strongest hosts fall short during the phone-in segments. How would you use “Yes, and…” when talking to a customer live on air? Thanks!

  2. Many of us who are professional commercial actors and spokespersons, dream about getting THE GIG as host on a television shopping channel. On those channels, they take LIVE phone calls cfrom the viewing audience. My observation is that even the strongest hosts fall short during the phone-in segments. How would you use “Yes, and…” when talking to a customer live on air? Thanks!

  3. nye

    “Yes, and…” is an opportunity to grow an idea/situation/prompt from someone else to further the situation. Right? What if that person is providing you with a badly formed idea. How do you say “yes, and…” when you’re first impulse is to say “you’re a moron.”

  4. I would love to see actual case studies / statistics of those implementing the ‘YES..and’ in team and individual relating that has made a turnaround. My belief is that ‘YES..AND’ is a path to lower the divorce rate, create higher productivity in teams, and of course, world peace! Go Avish! The message is soooo needed!!!!!

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