“Say Yes And!” I Need YOUR Input
Yesterday I announced that my new book, “Say ‘Yes, And!’” is coming out in January, 2012.
It is 99% done, but I need YOUR HELP to make the final product as strong and useful as possible!
Please take 30 seconds and leave a comment below with your answer to one or more of the following question(s):
- What would you like to see in a book about saying, “yes, and” instead of “yes, but”?
- What questions do you have about saying, “yes, and” to yourself, to others, and to opportunities?
- What critical lessons and ideas about saying, “yes, and” do you think the rest of the world needs to hear?
Thanks so much for your help!

By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
4 Responses to ““Say Yes And!” I Need YOUR Input”
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Many of us who are professional commercial actors and spokespersons, dream about getting THE GIG as host on a television shopping channel. On those channels, they take LIVE phone calls cfrom the viewing audience. My observation is that even the strongest hosts fall short during the phone-in segments. How would you use “Yes, and…” when talking to a customer live on air? Thanks!
Many of us who are professional commercial actors and spokespersons, dream about getting THE GIG as host on a television shopping channel. On those channels, they take LIVE phone calls cfrom the viewing audience. My observation is that even the strongest hosts fall short during the phone-in segments. How would you use “Yes, and…” when talking to a customer live on air? Thanks!
“Yes, and…” is an opportunity to grow an idea/situation/prompt from someone else to further the situation. Right? What if that person is providing you with a badly formed idea. How do you say “yes, and…” when you’re first impulse is to say “you’re a moron.”
I would love to see actual case studies / statistics of those implementing the ‘YES..and’ in team and individual relating that has made a turnaround. My belief is that ‘YES..AND’ is a path to lower the divorce rate, create higher productivity in teams, and of course, world peace! Go Avish! The message is soooo needed!!!!!