The “Magic Formula” of Awesomeness: Preparation + Volume + Adjustment
Want to be awesome? Super! You just need to make sure you have three important components in place.
Miss one, and your likelihood of achieving awesomeness goes way down. Hit all three, and you shall soon find yourself rolling in the success you want and deserve.
The three components are: Preparation, Volume, and, Adjustment.
I honestly believe that too many people spend too long, “getting ready to get ready.” However, that doesn’t mean that some preparation isn’t a good thing.
Before you get started trying to achieve a goal, it’s a good idea to do some preparation:
- Identify, with great clarity, what that goal actually is
- Create a plan to get there
- Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and potential obstacles along the way
- Get an idea of the resources you have and will need.
- Gather a list of information you still need
- Acquire the skills ad knowledge you need to begin
Don’t use this stage as chance to procrastinate! It should not take very long. If you find you’re in “preparation” for more than a few days, then perhaps you need to break your large goal up into smaller ones.
“Volume” is about the action you take. The more action you take, the more results you will get (and the faster they will come).
I recommend two things:
- Start with the highest volume possible that you can realistically and consistently maintain over time without burning out
- Gradually but consistently increase that volume over time.
As long as you don’t burn out and give up, higher volume is better than lower. This is true in writing, marketing, selling, and for just about any other goal you want to achieve.
“Adjustment” is actually made up of two parts:
- Analyzing your efforts and results to see what’s been working and what hasn’t
- Altering your plan accordingly
Regular reviewing your progress and making adjustments along the way is a critical component of accelerating your success. If you don’t make adjustments, you eventually plateau, and a plateau is only a small step away from backsliding.
Why all three?
Trying to achieve a goal by applying just one of these three components is pretty silly:
- If you just prepare, then you never take any action or accomplish anything
- If you just take action, you end up spinning your wheels and wasting a lot of time end energy.
- If you just analyze, you do nothing but criticize yourself and others.
Even applying only two of these components is less than optimal:
Preparation + Volume without Adjustment
You can create a great plan, and then take massive action to implement that plan. However, it’s important to periodically step back and analyze:
- Whether Your plan is actually working
- Whether conditions have changed
- Whether you still event want what you are going after
If you don’t, you might end up spending a lot of time and energy reaching a goal you don’t care about.
Preparation + Adjustment without Volume
This is the most common mistake I see people make. They think a lot, create a plan, take a little action, and then obsessively analyze what worked and what didn’t. There are two problems with this approach:
- Without a large volume of data, you can’t be sure your analysis is correct. Just because you tried something once or twice and it didn’t work doesn’t mean it’s a bad strategy.
- Without a large volume of action, your success will come slowly, if at all. The “volume” phase is where you actually do something. The more you do, the more opportunities you create.
Volume + Adjustment without Preparation
Volume and adjustment without preparation can work, but it requires luck. If you just jump in and start taking massive action and then see what works and adjust, you can make some things happen. However, without preparation you may end wasting a lot of time and effort. The cyclical nature of this process does mean that your “adjustment” phase will morph into your next round’s “preparation” phase, but in general you are better off preparing a bit first.
Remember, to achieve your goals, and to do so with less time and effort, make sure you are applying all three components:
- Prepare yourself
- Take a high volume of action
- Adjust your approach based on the results you get (or don’t get)
If you’re struggling, stop whining about it and instead ask yourself, “Which of these three steps am I missing?”
Find the missing step and you are on the road to awesomeness. Miss it, and your likelihood of achieving awesomeness goes way down…
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By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+