Friday Web Roundup: Talent and Vendors, Harassing Debt Collectors, Suing For Lack of Sex, Losing a Gold Medal Because of a Ponytail, and Darth Vader’s Ridiculousness
It’s Friday! Stop doing work and start checking out some fun links from around the interwebs…
Talent and Vendors
Here’s a post from Seth Godin’s blog about the difference between a “talent” and a “vendor.”
From the post: “That’s the key economic argument for the distinction: if you treat an artist like a vendor, you’ll often get mediocre results in return. On the other hand, if you treat a vendor like an artist, you’ll waste time and money.”
It’s an interesting distinction, and it may make you re-think how you approach some of your “vendor” relationships.
Worst Customer Service Ever?
This is an article from about institutions collecting debts from family members after the original borrower passes away.
Scroll down to heading that says, “Hey Social Security, I’m not dead!” and you’ll read the story of a woman who received harassing phone calls every 15 minutes at her husband’s wake!
She continued to get the calls, as many as 48 a day, and when she called and explained that she would pay as soon as she received her husband’s life insurance check, she was told the calls were computer generated and could not be stopped until the debt was paid.
If you have a business where you (or someone) can’t override an automated harassing message, either you’re lying or grossly incompetent. And I’m not sure which one is worse.
Frenchman Ordered to Pay Wife Damages for Lack of Sex
Headline kind of says it all. Looks like you really can sue for anything.
I don’t know if there’s a business of life lesson here. I just thought the story needed to be shared.
Missed it by a Hair – Literally
Crazy story here of a Belarusian long jumper who missed out on winning the gold medal at the world championships because her hair – which was in a ponytail – touched the ground behind her. Her actual jump distance was good enough for gold, but her hair set her back 0.16 meters which was enough to let someone else take first place. The article did point out the winning jumper had her hair up in a bun.
Let that be a lesson to you: The devil is in the details. Don’t let all your hard work be undone by a silly oversight.
From the Funny Nerdy Video File
George Lucas is releasing the original Star Wars Trilogy on Blu-Ray on September 16 and, much to the chagrin of hard-core fans, he once again went back in and made some “improvements.”
One of the improvements is adding a stupid sounding “Nooooooooooo” to Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi (You can see the new clip here: Darth Vader’s ‘Nooo!’ in Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi). I’m with the hard-core fans on this one. The new footage looks dumb.
However, from stupidity comes genius. Someone took a bunch of different clips of Darth Vader saying “no,” and “yes,” and mashed them up so it looks like the trailer for the Jim Carrey movie, “Yes Man”. Very funny stuff. Take a look for yourself:
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By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+