Monday Motivation – Who Haven’t You Talked to in Far Too Long?
“Summer’s going fast
Nights growing colder
Children growing up
Old friends growing older
Experience slips away.”
– “Time Stand Still,” Rush
I spent a few days in southern California recently, and I was shocked and amazed by how many old friends I have in that area. Not that I was shocked and amazed that I had friends mind you (I am a heck of a guy…), I just shocked out how many of them live in theLos Angelesarea.
My five travel days were packed, and I still didn’t see everyone I wanted to.
The people I met ran the full gamut:
- Family friends I have known my whole life (literally)
- High school friends
- College friends
- Speaker buddies
The sad thing is that I had not seen most of these people in at least a year (most were 2+ years) or even talked to them on the phone in a very long time. When we got together though, it didn’t matter. We were able to slip right back into great conversations and good times (“great conversations” for me usually entail talking about stupid, random things and laughing our asses off doing it)
As I left each friend, I half-jokingly said the same thing I say every time I leave a friend I haven’t seen in a while, “This time let’s not let so much time pass between visits!”
Ha! That’s like at the end of date when the other person says, “I had a real swell time. I’ll call you sometime…”
Phooey! It’s not going to happen!
Few would argue that your relationships are the most precious assets you have and that time is your most precious resource.
So the simple question for you is:
How much of your most precious resource are you spending on your most precious asset?
If you are like most, your answer is, “not nearly enough.”
It’s not because you don’t care, or you don’t value the friendship/relationship. It’s just that life (Ding!Link) happens, and it’s easy to put off that call or email for a day. Then a day becomes a week. Which becomes a month. Which becomes a year.
Sadly, I can guarantee that letting that time pass will be one of the things you regret most when you look back on your life.
Fortunately, you can prevent that from happening!
Take time right now to send an email to an old friend you haven’t spoken to in a long time. Just to check in and catch up.
Then take a little more time and schedule a phone call either with that person or another friend. And make sure you don’t miss that phone call!
That’s it. Two small little steps to get the ball rolling. Slowly build the habit of staying in touch with the people who are important to you.
Believe me, you’ll be happy you did. If not now, then in future. I promise.
P.S. Yes, the opening lyrics are from a Rush song. It’s awesome, and it even has guest vocals from Aimee “Voices Carry” Mann. You can listen to the song and watch what is arguably the world’s worst music video here.
P.P.S. Hey, if you like this post, why don’t you share the love and click the Facebook “Like” button at the top of this page…?
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By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
2 Responses to “Monday Motivation – Who Haven’t You Talked to in Far Too Long?”
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I had a real swell time. I’ll call you sometime…
Thanks – me too! Let’s not let so much time pass this time…