2 Responses to “Monday Motivation: Achieve More by Being Lazier!”


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  1. Sounds like you’ve been reading Greene’s Laws of Power and the other books that he’s got – since those are chock full of stuff like that. I sometimes take the brunt out of calling it lazy and call it Taoist instead. 🙂 You know, little imperceptible movements to make big results down the road. As always, thank you for the posting action. 🙂

  2. Avish

    Thanks EJ! I haven’t actually read Greene’s stuff (except I think a book he wrote with 50 Cent…) I don’t actually remember where I originally read it – I suppose the great nuggets of wisdom get passed around!

    Taoist is a good way of thinking about it. And, “lazy” is a bit of an overstatment when you think about it. It can actually be very hard to take the time and effort to come up with a better way; a lot of the “hard workers” are too lazy to put in the creative effort to innovate.

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