Monday Motivation: 23 Reasons that Person You’re Jealous of is More Successful Than You
1) They’ve been doing it longer than you – A couple of years can make e big difference.
2) They woke up earlier – You can get a lot done with an extra hour a day.
3) They stayed up later – Ditto.
4) They worked harder – Hate to say it, but a little elbow grease goes a long way. Half-assing it will only get you halfway there.
5) They worked smarter – Better plans, more focus, smarter decisions. Over time, it all adds up.
6) They had more fun – Yup, the more fun you have, the more motivated, creative, and productive you are. The more people want to work with, hire, and promote you.
7) They said “Yes, And” – To the right stuff, to opportunities, to taking calculated risks, to trying new things that aligned with their long term vision.
7) They said, “No.” – To the wrong stuff. To the stuff that was way out of line with what they wanted. To things that would suck their time, energy, and money from what was truly important.
8 ) They practiced delayed gratification –“Less fun now, massive fun later,” or “more fun now, massive suckitude later”? It’s your choice…
9) They made the right connections – It’s not what you know, it’s who you know (and who knows you). Knowing the right people can make a huge difference.
10) They got lucky – Yeah, it happens. Get over it and go make your own damned luck.
11) They got “bullet proof” – People who can’t take (and learn from) criticism and rejection give up or just “play it safe.” Get a Teflon skin and feedback and rejection become a competitive advantage.
12) They took care of the details – I’m a big picture guy, but even I know details matter. You can have a great product or service, but if you miss the little things – hitting deadlines, being pleasant to work with, sending thank you notes etc – then you’re not going anywhere.
13) They prioritized – Some things matter more than others, and it’s not always obvious which is which. Figure it out and focus on the more important stuff, and let the other stuff go.
14) They got back up faster than you – Setbacks happen. Everyone is going to stumble, fail, or get rejected once in a while. The question is, “How long are you going to stay down?” Some people stay down forever. Some get back up right away. Which end of that spectrum do you fall?
15) They had a better big picture than you – Your vision for your future is going to push you along and motivate you. Maybe their big picture is more compelling than yours.
16) They focused on their genius – It’s hard to be massively successful when you chase every “bright shiny object” opportunity that comes along. Focus on your genius, let the rest go.
17) They had more “fire in the belly” – Something drove them – a family to support, a dream to fulfill, a message to spread, a competitive spirit, etc. There’s a big difference between, “It would be nice to make this happen,” and “Hell’s Yeah! I am going to do whatever it takes to make this happen!”
18) They gave up on ego – Do you care about being right, acknowledged, and liked, or do you care about getting a result? Sometimes they go hand in hand, but not always.
19) They had help – Very few people “make it” entirely on their own. They probably had a lot of help and support. Go find some yourself.
20) They’re not – Not to let you off the hook, but how do you know that they are successful? Worry about yourself, not others.
21) They sacrificed – Some of the people who have everything you want in one area would be jealous of you in other areas. They made sacrifices. You may not want to make those sacrifices yourself, which is fine. Just look at the whole picture, not just a slice.
22) They didn’t sit around waiting for opportunity to knock – Heard this quote once: “Opportunity doesn’t knock. You knock, and opportunity opens the door.” Stop sitting on your ass waiting for something to happen.
23) They did something – An ounce of something beats a ton of nothing, every time.
Stop being jealous, stop whining, and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Instead, figure out what they did, figure out what you can do, and then go do it!
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By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
One Response to “Monday Motivation: 23 Reasons that Person You’re Jealous of is More Successful Than You”
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I was reading all your reasons to myself aloud and my 12 year old 7th grader said,
“Naanna, (Dad in our Mother tongue) I know most of those, but DOING is the problem.” I smiled at him and so did his Mom. Please help me in sending some links regarding DOING things.
Very Sincerely,