Friday Web Roundup
I tend to surf the web more than I should (you might call it, “procrastinating”). Rather than letting all that idle time be a complete waste, I decided to compile the interesting stuff I came across and share it with you.
Life Lessons From 40 Films in 7 Minutes
Some fan edited together a video that combines self-help/motivation/personal development movie lines into one seven minute short. If you like movies and inspiration (and ridiculous thing) this is for you!
When Is It Due?
Short little post on Set Godin’s blog. I just love the last two lines: “When it’s you against the boss, the goal is to do less work. When it’s you against the project, the goal is to do more work.”
Motivational Smart Ass Contest
Yes, I am linking to my own blog post from Wednesday. I am running a contest on my blog – check it out, play along, and you could win a copy of my book, Improvise to Success!
Read more and submit an entry…
TroloLord of the Rings
Just for fun, here’s a video that combines two of my favorite things:
- The Lord of the Rings movies.
- The Trololo Guy internet meme.
Marine Lands Date with Mila Kunis
Here’s a cool story about a Marine who made a YouTube video asking actress Mila Kunis to his Marine Corps. Ball. The video went viral, and Mila said yes!
There’s a cool lesson about saying, “Yes, And” here:
- The marine said, “Yes, And” to himself and went ahead and posted the video, even though it was a ridiculous long-shot and he could have gotten teased for it.
- Mila said, “Yes, And” to his offer even though she doesn’t know him and gets no direct benefit from it.
As a result of saying, “Yes, And,” the marine got a date with Mila Kunis and Mila Kunis has gotten a ton of positive press.
Yes And can be a very powerful thing indeed…
10 Reasons You Hate to Cook
Frankly, I don’t really care if you hate to cook. However, this is an interestingly article. When you look closely at it, you realize that all ten reasons can be boiled down to three things:
- You’re not good at it (so learn, practice, and get better)
- You have the wrong materials – tools and food (so learn what you need and get them)
- You set your expectations too high (so lower the bar and go for smaller wins to build experience and momentum)
Those three reasons can pretty much explain why you hate doing anything. So, if there’s something you hate doing but want to or need to do, then learn how to do it and get better, make sure you have the right equipment, and focus on small wins. Simple, right?
Harry Potter Humor
Another nerdy funny one. Since the newest (and last) Harry Potter movie comes out today, I figure why not end with a good bit of Harry Potter humor?
If you, like me, like the Harry Potter franchise and have always been amused by the word, “Hufflepuff,” then you’ll enjoy this video too:
P.S. Hey, if you like this post, why don’t you share the love and click the Facebook “Like” button at the top of this page…?
Do you want help making better long term decisions? How about help figuring out what exactly it is that you want? Or maybe you know, but your problem is that you don’t know how to put together a plan to get you there? Or perhaps you have a plan, but never feel motivated to follow it? Or you jyst get easily derailed when things go wrong? If so, than the Smart Ass Success! Learn the 7 Steps to Getting What You Really Want – Even If You Have No Idea What That Is! FREE E-Book is for you! It addresses those questions (and more) to help you get on the path towards figuring out what you really want – and then getting it! Don’t let another year pass you by. Click here to download your free copy now!

By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
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donc avec vos messages haineux contre les personnes âgées. La plupart n’ont pas travaillé 35 h avec 5 semaines de congés payés et leur maison compense leur retraite qui en moyenne n’est pas faramineuse. Vous avez quitté la France pour éviter de rembourser ce que ce pays vous a offert : études, allocations familiales etc eh bien lâchez-nous la grappe et cessez de vous répandre sur nos médias. A moins que ce pays vous manque, finalement ? Non mais