3 Responses to “Communication Key: Play the Player, Not the Cards”


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  1. PyP

    Love the B&N story. Reminds me of an absurdly hoity-toity restaurant I went to once in Chicago. One of those places where if you start to stand up from your seat, two or three servers immediately swarmed you and asked if they could help you with anything. At one point I said, “Yes, I’m going to use the restroom” and the server responded with this gem, “Ahh of course sir, if you’ll just follow me I’ll take you there.” Not being a Guantanamo prisoner or blind person, I’m not sure why they felt the need to escort me to the head, but off we went in tandem to the restroom (in plain view, about 80 feet away).

    I have to think that the majority of their guests find this practice a bit awkward and creepy. But even if that’s not true, as you said, a simple “do you need any help finding it?” or something to that effect would let guests choose their preferred level of restroom-locating assistance.

  2. avishp

    nice story – I think that would freak me out if a server wanted to walk me to the bathroom. i’d probably be too weirded out to say “no,” so I’d probably end up holding it in all night, which would create its own set of issues…

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