2 Responses to “5 Ways to Make Your Product or Service Stand Out More than a Human Wizard at a Vampire Ball”


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  1. Avish, this is a wonderful article. The concept of “excelling” is the technical abilities we bring to the table in our product or service. It has to be tangible and real. The remaining four items, I believe, we really have to live every day in order to be believable and therefore to build up the trust factor in order to grow our businesses.

    I recently started using an online marketing tool called SendOutCards to send a heartfelt greeting card to a client or prospective client, to let them know that they are important to me. Until I started using it, I did not realize how many opportunities to stand out this way I had: Happy Holiday, Nice to meet you, thanks for the referral, congratulations on a special event or business performance.

    The system is so simple, and allows me to design, sign and snail mail a greeting card all online, for less than $1 per card, plus postage. The reaction from clients is amazing, and the beauty is there is no delete button for them to hit. As well, the cards are beautiful and printed on recycled paper, so my recipient ends up displaying the card, showing it to others and telling others about me. Isn’t that what it is all about?

    The website for the online system I use is http://www.sendoutcards.com/b2b

  2. I like this article, good and bad company are using this kind of strategy. Most bad or fly by night company exaggerate their product or service and after you get in they disappear.
    The art in the ads catch more attention, It is very effective on newspaper ads and this tips can be applied.

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