2 Responses to “Do Something Great in November – Day 1”


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  1. Heya Avish and fellow Novemberians

    Well, the week started great. Had the paperwork all taken care of and financial aid received my FAFSA and Smart Grants. And then today I got a Call (capital C).

    Apparently I’ve been out of school so long (finished at OUPX in 2001) that they wouldn’t take my high school transcripts.


    Well, I said the same thing, especially cause I already have a degree. So, today, I had to write an appeals letter to the Admissions Committee to “re-evaluate” my status.

    They are supposed to get back to me soon(tm). Until then, I am researching other schools that wouldn’t have such weird admissions requrements.

    I mean…high school? Geez. Thats 1991. And I can’t remember what I had for breakfast.

    I’ll keep you updated.

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