The “Do Something Great in November” Challenge!
Do you have a major goal you would like to achieve that you have been putting off? Would like to achieve that goal (or at least make massive progress towards it) in one month? If so, then keep reading…
It’s Time to Make Something Happen
I don’t know what your major goal is, but I know mine: Write a novel.
For as far back as I can remember, I have wanted to write a novel. When I was eight years old I cut some paper into “novel sized sheets” (what the heck did I know about manuscripts and formatting?), sat down at our family’s electric typewriter, and banged out 4 pages to start my first brilliant novel.
I didn’t get any farther than those four pages, but the desire was planted inside of me.
Of course the desire was there, but the action wasn’t. I have spent all these years never doing the one thing that would help me achieve my goal: Sitting down and writing!
Well, it’s time to change that…
You see, I recently learned that November is National Novel Writing Month (“NaNoWriMo,” for short). Every year, people spend the month of November writing their novels. That’s right, the goal is to get draft one of a complete novel (at least 50,000 words) done in just thirty days…
In order to fulfill (or at least progress) my dream of writing a novel, I am going to participate in the 2010 NaNoWriMo!
Yup, I’m going to write at least 50,000 words for a novel in the span of one month (disclaimer: NaNoWriMo is about getting to 50,000 words, so if the novel isn’t done but I hit that mark, I still win).
More importantly for you…
I Would Like You To Join Me In Doing Something Great In November!
I’m not saying you have to write a novel or participate in NaNoWriMo. But I invite you to come up with your own goal or activity and attack it with a vengeance for the month of November!
If writing a novel is not your thing, here are a few things you could do:
- Take on a big fitness goal
- Learn a foreign language
- Start (or grow) a business
- Pick up a new skill, like dancing or karate
- Tackle a home improvement/maintenance/de-cluttering project
The specific goal you pick is up to you (tips on how to pick a “good” project are below). The important thing is that you do something!
Question: What would you love to do that you have put off, neglected, or ignored for far too long?
Here’s the Deal
I am doing something great for myself in November, and I want you to do something great for yourself too! As such, I want to support you on your journey…
Here’s how I would like to help you:
- I will be posting regular updates in this blog about my progress, challenges, and surprises. Hopefully that will encourage you and make you feel like you are not alone
- I invite you to post your own progress, challenges, and surprises in the comment section of my updates. That way we can all help each other.
- Accountability helps! By publishing this blog post, I am making myself accountable. You can do the same thing by posting your November goal in the comment section below. At the very least, I will hold you accountable by emailing you periodically and checking in.
There’s no cost or sign up. Just post in the comments below letting me and the world know what you will be doing. Then check back in (or better yet, subscribe by RSS or Email) and update us on your progress.
Question: Are you willing to step up, declare your November intention, and be accountable?
“Sounds Good Avish, But November Is Not A Good Month For Me…”
Bah! It’s never going to be a good month! There will always be too much going on, you will always have too much to do, and “three months from now” will always seem like the perfect time to start.
Consider this your motivational kick in the ass! At least if you do it now, you won’t be alone – you can follow along with my progress and share your own.
To be honest, November is not the best month for me either. I am very tempted to push it off (January is looking mighty good for this…). But NaNoWriMo is November, so that’s when I’m going to do it. Besides, there’s no time like the present!
As a self employed person, it would be easy for me to spend all of my time writing a novel and let my business slide for a month. That would be stupid. Colossally stupid. So, for the month of November, I plan on maintaining all of my regular “life obligations.” These include:
- Regular posts to this blog
- Working on and writing posts for another site I am doing with a partner
- Developing and delivering speaking engagements I have in November
- Completing a side freelance assignment I have taken on
- Exercising regularly
- Having a social life
- Going away and seeing my family for Thanksgiving
Question: Is November really not a good month or are you just putting up one more in a long line of excuses that perpetually keep you from achieving what you truly want?
Tips On Picking the Right Project
There’s really no right or wrong here; whatever you truly want to do and are willing to commit to is fine.
If you are stuck, however, here are a few tips to help you pick a great project:
- Make it big enough to stretch you – A big goal is not about the status quo. It’s also not about “slow and steady improvement (a perfectly valid approach, but not the point of this project). Pick something big enough that you know you’ll have to push yourself. You’ll know you’re on the right track if your goal mostly excites you but also scares you just a little bit.
- But not so big you snap – Of course there are limits to stretching yourself. Don’t pick a goal that is so big that you’ll give up after three days. There is an art to picking the right size goal. Unfortunately, everyone is different so I can;t give you a hard and fast guideline. I will say this: if, when you think about the goal, you feel more fear than excitement, you’ve probably made it too big for yourself.
- It should be motivating – Sounds obvious, right? The key is that you pick something that gets you going. What you want to do, not necessarily what you think you should do. For example, I could make the argument that I should be spending all that time on my business. However, what I really want to do, what really motivates me, is the thought of writing the novel. As long as I don’t let the business lapse (see above) I’m going with the motivating one.
- What does your gut tell you? – When in doubt, pay attention to your gut. Chances are, when I asked you what you really wanted to do, an answer popped into your head. It’s probably an answer that’s been popping into your head for years and you have been ignoring it. Stop ignoring it! Spend just one month throwing yourself fully into that project and see what happens.
Question: What is the big goal your gut is telling you to pursue?
Why You Should Do This
If you’re wondering why you should bother doing this, here are a few reasons:
- Achieving Your Goal – Clearly, the primary benefit of doing this is that you achieve (or make great progress towards a goal. That in and of itself should be more than enough. However, there are a few more benefits…
- Building New Habits – There is some disagreement on how long it takes to form a habit, from the colloquially stated “21 days,” to the more scientifically researched 66 Days. By the second number, 30 days is not long enough to fully instill a new habit, but it is well on the way. And let’s face it, while achieving something great in a month will be awesome, wouldn’t it be more awesome to build a habit that allows you to continue progressing long after the month is over?
As you go about your tasks, think of your activity as “building a habit.” Don’t think to yourself, “I can’t wait until this month is over.” To do this, you may have to divide your activities into two categories:
- Habit building
- Goal achieving
For example, I want to build the habit of writing fiction first thing in the morning. But there may be many days where I will need or ant to write in the evening as well to complete NaNoWriMo. The morning writing will be habit building, the evening writing will be goal achieving.
When I wake up in the morning and don’t feel like writing, I’ll focus on the fact that I’m building a habit that will support me for the rest of my life. When I need to kick myself in the ass to write in the evening, I’ll focus on the goal of getting 50,000 words done this month.
As you go through your big November goal, put some of your attention and energy on building habits that will serve you once the month is over.
- Developing New Awareness – One reason to take on a large goal that stretches you is to simply show yourself that you can. You can find the time, you can exert the discipline, you can achieve that which you were previously unable to achieve. One of the primary things that holds many people back is simply their own lack of belief in their own potential. By busting your ass and making major progress on a major goal, you can overcome that belief and build momentum to do more.
Question: If you don’t do this, what will you do to achieve your goals, build new habits, and break limiting beliefs?
The Next Step
November first is fast approaching. Here are a few things you can to get ready for the “Do Something Great in November” challenge:
- Pick your goal
- Declare it below
- Check back in (or subscribe by RSS or Email) to this blog (In a few days, before the challenge begins, I will be publishing a “Tips to Make ‘Do Something Great in November’ a Success” post. UPDATE – the tips are up! You can read them here)
Question: Are you going to join me in a crazy, wonderful November, or are you going to let yet another month pass you by?

By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
24 Responses to “The “Do Something Great in November” Challenge!”
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I will be finishing my non-fiction book that I started in 2005.
Great Erika! thanks for stepping up and joining in…
will learn how to draw portraits and color teory
Thanks Pit! I’m looking forward to November!
I’m going to go back to school. I want to learn C#, .NET 2 and anything else that has updated since I got my degree. UOPX starts classes every week. November is right.
Thanks Avish.
I will finally be building a storage unit in my basement to help get me organized! Not a big goal, but a goal nonetheless…oh, I will also finish knitting a sweater I’ve been workiing on for a few months (just in time for the cooler weather)!
Jack, that’s awesome! Good luck, and I look forward to sharing our progress with each other!
Excellent Joann! It’s ok if it’s not a big goal – whatever works for you is just fine for this challenge. 🙂
Dear Avish Parashar,
I want to completely rearrange my books and bookshelves. I have been postponing for more than a year. Not a big goal. But good enough to get me into the habit.
Thank you avish.
Super! Sometimes the small goals that build habits are the best ones of all!
I commit to finish the book I am writing by writing, even just a little, every day.
Awesome John! Little by little is a good way to go – one step at a time!
I am committed to establishing myself as an upcoming leader in my lodge district and mastering my ritual work for an upcoming and very important degree. This is my November goal.
Keep up the good work, Avish, on your novel. And I send good energy out to the people replying to your challenge.
I am going to take my speaking career to incredible new heights in 30 days. Fast tracking to success.
One of the first things I want to do is get on the phone with you, Avish, and talk about some of the successes and roadblocks you have had happen in your speaking career, so far.
And, what can I do to help you spread the word, too??
I have been writing a book, for over a year … In the month of November I will commit to spending two hours each day in the process of writing .. and that means words on the page Babbee. I like to linger and think and read and cogitate, with the intention of ‘one day’ getting all those bits on paper. I am going to say Yes, to the NaNoWriMo!
Hi Sharon, welcome to the challenge! Nice to have another person with a crazy writing goal here! Best of luck (to the both of us!)
Here’s what I want to do in November:
-write 16 articles for
-publish a weekly newsletter
-contact 25 prospects about my business
Larry, excellent! Welcome to the challenge, and best of luck to you! I look forward to hearing about your progress
Very motivational blog and video! Thanks
I want to finish and send out at least two of my fiction stories for publication this month, something I have been procrastinating forever.
In November, I’m going to :
1. spend 60 minutes per day playing with my kids (stress relief, relationship time and FUN!!)
2. make work more fun, laugh more, spend more time talking with people that report to me and trying to help them solve their problems. Work on my problems with more focus that will free up some time (GTD)
3. shine my sink every day (see if you don’t know what this means and ever struggle with home chores, not my site, but it’s really helping!)
Parul, that’s great! I know all about procrastinating writing fiction – committing to NaNaWriMo is the only was I was able to get myself going! Good luck!
CLE, that’s great – I love that 2 of your goals are all about adding more fun to your life – spending more time with kids is always a good thing.
Thanks for the link to flylady site – interesting stuff! After visiting the site, I got up and did my dishes…:-)
Paperwork is nearly done. Waiting on Grants and scholarship. Starting November 9. Thats next tuesday?!
Jack, that is awesome! Glad to hear you are moving along. Well done!
I crossed 10,000 words today. 40,000 more to go!