24 Responses to “The “Do Something Great in November” Challenge!”


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  1. I will be finishing my non-fiction book that I started in 2005.

  2. avishp

    Great Erika! thanks for stepping up and joining in…

  3. Pit

    will learn how to draw portraits and color teory

  4. avishp

    Thanks Pit! I’m looking forward to November!

  5. Jack

    I’m going to go back to school. I want to learn C#, .NET 2 and anything else that has updated since I got my degree. UOPX starts classes every week. November is right.

    Thanks Avish.

  6. Joann

    I will finally be building a storage unit in my basement to help get me organized! Not a big goal, but a goal nonetheless…oh, I will also finish knitting a sweater I’ve been workiing on for a few months (just in time for the cooler weather)!

  7. avishp

    Jack, that’s awesome! Good luck, and I look forward to sharing our progress with each other!

  8. avishp

    Excellent Joann! It’s ok if it’s not a big goal – whatever works for you is just fine for this challenge. 🙂

  9. seetharaman

    Dear Avish Parashar,

    I want to completely rearrange my books and bookshelves. I have been postponing for more than a year. Not a big goal. But good enough to get me into the habit.

    Thank you avish.

  10. avishp

    Super! Sometimes the small goals that build habits are the best ones of all!

  11. I commit to finish the book I am writing by writing, even just a little, every day.

  12. avishp

    Awesome John! Little by little is a good way to go – one step at a time!

  13. Christopher Holms

    I am committed to establishing myself as an upcoming leader in my lodge district and mastering my ritual work for an upcoming and very important degree. This is my November goal.

    Keep up the good work, Avish, on your novel. And I send good energy out to the people replying to your challenge.

  14. I am going to take my speaking career to incredible new heights in 30 days. Fast tracking to success.

    One of the first things I want to do is get on the phone with you, Avish, and talk about some of the successes and roadblocks you have had happen in your speaking career, so far.

    And, what can I do to help you spread the word, too??


  15. I have been writing a book, for over a year … In the month of November I will commit to spending two hours each day in the process of writing .. and that means words on the page Babbee. I like to linger and think and read and cogitate, with the intention of ‘one day’ getting all those bits on paper. I am going to say Yes, to the NaNoWriMo!

  16. avishp

    Hi Sharon, welcome to the challenge! Nice to have another person with a crazy writing goal here! Best of luck (to the both of us!)

  17. Here’s what I want to do in November:
    -write 16 articles for ezinearticles.com
    -publish a weekly newsletter
    -contact 25 prospects about my business

  18. avishp

    Larry, excellent! Welcome to the challenge, and best of luck to you! I look forward to hearing about your progress

  19. Parul

    Very motivational blog and video! Thanks
    I want to finish and send out at least two of my fiction stories for publication this month, something I have been procrastinating forever.

  20. CLE

    In November, I’m going to :
    1. spend 60 minutes per day playing with my kids (stress relief, relationship time and FUN!!)
    2. make work more fun, laugh more, spend more time talking with people that report to me and trying to help them solve their problems. Work on my problems with more focus that will free up some time (GTD)
    3. shine my sink every day (see FlyLady.com if you don’t know what this means and ever struggle with home chores, not my site, but it’s really helping!)

  21. avishp

    Parul, that’s great! I know all about procrastinating writing fiction – committing to NaNaWriMo is the only was I was able to get myself going! Good luck!

  22. avishp

    CLE, that’s great – I love that 2 of your goals are all about adding more fun to your life – spending more time with kids is always a good thing.

    Thanks for the link to flylady site – interesting stuff! After visiting the site, I got up and did my dishes…:-)

  23. Paperwork is nearly done. Waiting on Grants and scholarship. Starting November 9. Thats next tuesday?!

  24. avishp

    Jack, that is awesome! Glad to hear you are moving along. Well done!

    I crossed 10,000 words today. 40,000 more to go!

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