Who Are You, and What the Heck Do You Do?
That’s a good question, and one that some people find hard to answer. Even though it’s hard, it’s an important one to answer. And if you are in business for yourself, it is vital that not only can you answer it, but that your contacts, prospects, and blog readers can answer it too!
One of my favorite blogs is Ittybiz.com. Their tagline is “Marketing for businesses without marketing departments,” and they give a lot of great advice over there (note: if you are easily offended by straight talk and a little profanity, you might not like their site)
Today they had a post titled, What Do YOU Do? The Un-Meme Redux. The post challenges readers to answer a very important question: “What do you actually do?”
I decided to give it a go. My answers are below. In addition to reading my answers (and contacting me of you or anyone you know could use someone who does what I do), I suggest you answer the questions for yourself. They definitely made me think, and the act of writing out the answers was very helpful.
Here are the questions and answers:
What’s your game? What do you do?
On my blog and as a speaker, I make people laugh while sharing with them ideas to make their lives easier and more successful.
As a blogger, I focus on telling humorous stories and then pulling lessons out of those stories that people can use to grow their business, further their careers, stress less, or just have more fun.
As a speaker, I focus on showing groups how ideas from improv comedy can help them think quickly, flow with the unexpected, and improve their communication skills to provide better service, sales, and leadership.
Why do you do it? Do you love it, or do you just have one of those creepy knacks?
I love making people laugh. And I love teaching. I also love writing, especially when I can get into that juicy “Flow” state.
More specifically on the teaching, what really jazzes me is helping people realize that they can do more than they previously thought. That they can in fact push themselves beyond their perceived limits. And that they can let go, stress less, and enjoy the process.
Who are your customers? What kind of people would need or want what you offer?
Keynote Speaking:
Any group that is putting on a meeting or conference and wants something fun to add energy and humor while conveying simple but powerful “soft-skill” type lessons.
The ideal audience consists of service professionals and managers who
- Build relationships with clients
- Deal with constant change (or feel they are constantly running around putting out fires)
- Are overworked and overstressed
Also groups that have (or need) a sense of humor and won’t be offended by the term “smart ass.”
Training Workshops:
Same as above, but more geared towards smaller groups (10-50 people) during retreats or orientation programs that want core creativity and communication skills transferred in a fun and engaging way.
One on One (Mentoring/Coaching):
Intelligent professionals with a sense of humor who want to do more but feel “stuck.” Anyone who has a sense of what he or she wants to do but doesn’t know how to do it. Or anyone who just has a nagging sense of, “I want to do more but don’t know what it is.”
What’s your marketing USP? Why should I buy from you instead of the other losers?
I offer an interactive and hilarious experience that teaches people skills they can apply immediately to make their lives easier and more successful.
I am the only (ok, maybe there are a few others) person in the world that combines improv comedy, stand up comedy, and practical business advice to create a memorable, effective, and funny way to teach people to stress less, achieve more, and laugh their asses off doing it.
What’s next for you? What’s the big plan?
On the immediate horizon is a brand new book about one of the most important “success principles” I have come across (I’ll be announcing it soon).
I am also following my own advice (from the mentoring programs about “doing more”) and fulfilling my lifelong dream of writing my first novel.
The big plan is to help thousands, (well, ok, hundreds of thousands, if not millions) stop doing things that get in their own way and start doing the things that lead to less stress, more fun, and greater achievement. And I’m going to do that with my blog, books (old and new) and speaking programs.
If any of the above sounds like something you or anyone you know would be interested in, please email me or make an introduction. Even if not, I again suggest you take a crack at answering those questions, especially if you are a small business owner. If you don’t have your own blog, feel free to post your answers in the comments below!
Are you planning an event and looking for a great speaker to add humor and energy? Then visit Avish’s Motivational Humorist page now!

By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
4 Responses to “Who Are You, and What the Heck Do You Do?”
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Hi Avish!
I found you through the IttyBiz post from today and really enjoyed reading about what you do! Love how you use humor – what a great idea! Looks like you’ve got some great resources here I’ll have to check out. 🙂
Hi Jess! Thanks for stopping by and leaving the comment. I’m glad you liked the site – I’m looking at yours right now. Very interesting stuff!
Hi Avishp–
Had to check out the other ‘teacher’s pets’ from Naomi’s site. Love the humor–it really comes through immediately. I imagine you’re a welcome change to most biz meetings 😀
Take care,
Hi Linda! Thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂 On my “to-do” list for today is to go check out all the other “teacher’s pets” too. I look forward to checking out your site