The 7 Link Blog Post Challenge
Darren Rowse on challenged his readers today to create a post links to posts that I and others have written in seven different categories. Sounded fun and interesting, so I joined in (holy cow, this exercise made me realize that I have 350 posts on this blog, and it’s only been about 14 months!):
- Your first post: Strange Form of Self Rejection. Not sure if this is the first post I ever wrote, but it is the oldest one on my site! I had forgotten about this one. it’s not bad, but I’d like to think I have come a long way since.
- A post you enjoyed writing the most What You Can Learn from Woody, Boo, and Mr. Incredible. I was (and still am) so into the story of Pixar, that this post, though really long, flowed out of me (At the time I had DVR’ed a documentary about Pixar. I actually watched it twice in two days…). I loved writing about all the lessons we could learn from Pixar’s example.
- A post which had a great discussion 5 Conference Speakers That Can Kill a Conference. I don’t know about great discussion, but this one got some great comments (and was one of the most fun ones for me to write).
- A post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written 12 Ways to Defy Gravity Without Defaming Your Good Name. I’m a huge fan of the musical Wicked, and Defying Gravity is one of my favorite songs ever. I think it’s very inspirational and have long thought about writing a blog post about it. Scott beat me to the punch by just, you know, writing it instead of thinking about it
- Your most helpful post How to Quickly Put Together a Great Speech. I was real happy with this one. If you read this and can’t put together a speech quickly, you only have yourself to blame.
- A post with a title that you are proud of Hmm, it’s a toss up between Are You an Encouraging Inspiration or a Discouraging Dumbass? and Why Stupid People Succeed. They cut right to the chase.
- A post that you wish more people had read Tough one. I’ll go with Motivational Listening. I thought there were some very good things in that article, and I wish it had reached more people.
There you go! Hope you enjoyed that stroll down memory lane as much as I did!
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By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+