Unhappy? Do Something Different…
I checked out one of my readers’ websites and saw a simple “happiness flowchart.”
You can see it for yourself here.
To sum it up, the chart basically says, “if you are not happy and want to be happy, then do something different.”
Seems too simple, right?
Maybe. But then again, it seems like many, many people don’t follow this simple advice. They aren’t happy, but they stay at the same jobs, live in the same place, stay with the same people, do the same thing day aftar day after day. They remain unhappy, want to be happy, but never do anything different to make it so.
Take a look at an area of your life where you aren’t happy but would like to be. Can you do something different?
- Unhappy with your job? Look for a different one. Or do your current one in a different way.
- Unhappy with your body? Eat different. Or exercise different.
- Unhappy with your relationship? Have a different conversation. Do something different with your partner. Or, if you must, get a different partner.
The list goes on and on. If you are not happy, do something different. If that doesn’t work, do something else different. Keep trying to you figure it out.
It may a simple ideas, but sometimes (usually) the simple ideas are the most powerful…

By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+