6 Responses to “Flambé Fail (Video and Lessons)”


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  1. Anu

    Hi Bhaiya!! I am sure mamiji will not let you cook in her kitchen after watching this..lol

  2. good way to look at failure , i guess failure is going is be fun later on 🙂

  3. “I had my flame thrower on the counter right there.”
    Do you mean “fire extinguisher”?

  4. avishp

    Umm, wow, yeah, I did indeed mean fire extinguisher. Nice catch!

  5. Amy Rosenberg

    Although I definitely would like to see you in a video with a flame thrower!! Maybe too many action-adventure movies on the brain, huh?

  6. avishp

    Thanks Farouk – yeah, the key is reducing the time it takes ot get to “later on!” 🙂

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