Audio Interview: Turning a Whole Bunch of Random Content Into a Great Speech
My friend Mike (of Game Music, Inc. – guess what his company does…?) recently had to give a short, but rather important talk. He started off strong and came up with some good ideas and an overall theme, but then he hit a wall. Mike got very stuck trying to figure out how to put all the pieces together into a cohesive speech that would make his point while holding the audience’s attention.
Feeling stuck, he did what any sane person would do: he called his buddy Avish (for you new readers, that’s me).
I spent a little time with Mike and helped him put all of his crazy thoughts into a format that worked for him. The end result? A home run presentation (I’m not making that up – I was in the audience)
A week or two after the speech, I sat down and spoke with Mike about the entire process of putting that talk together. In the interview, we cover both what he did to get started and also what he and I did together to get him past his sticking points.
If you are putting together a speech of any kind and find yourself getting stuck, you will definitely pick up some great info from this interview. Even if you don’t have a specific presentation coming up, you should give this a listen; there are a lot of great insights into both the creative process and also the method I use when crafting speeches.
Here’s the audio:
Speech Creation and Structuring Interview – MP3 format, approx 45 minutes, 36 MB
(“Right-click” and “save as” to download to your computer)
P.S. Are you stuck in the process of creating a speech or other creative endeavor (marketing campaign, brand, etc.)? Do you think working with me the way I worked with Mike would help you? Then contact me now and we can talk about the specific details of how that works.
P.P.S.If you really want to kick your speaking up a few notches, you should sign up for this March’s Speaking School where you will receive four intense days of presentation skills training – there’s nothing else like it anywhere!
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
2 Responses to “Audio Interview: Turning a Whole Bunch of Random Content Into a Great Speech”
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He’s a great speaker/presenter, but I’m sure your assist helped it be even better.