Dedication Without Talent, Talent Without Dedication
What does it take to succeed? Two things, primarily: dedication and talent.
I was watching the Monday Night Football pre-game show, and the sportscasters were talking about a “problem” player. Mike Ditka then said an interesting quote (I don’t know if it’s from him or if he was quoting someone else):
Dedication without talent is a daydream. Talent without dedication is a nightmare.
This quote really stuck out to me. Let’s take a look at what he was talking about.
Dedication without talent is a daydream.
This refers to the person who works very hard, but just doesn’t seem to have “it.” You have to admire them, but you feel a little bad for them too. But don’t worry: other than at the highest level of sports performance, the dedicated person can develop the talent they need to succeed.
Talent without dedication is a nightmare.
The diva. The prima donna. The person who feels they shouldn’t have to work. That they deserve success, even if they don’t work for it. The people who overvalue their own skills and undervalue the need for hard work. They may start off great, but their road is often much tougher in the long run.
Ditka’s quote made me think about how these two ideas of dedication and talent apply off the football field. There are definitely some takeaways here:
Do you have both dedication and talent?
To really succeed, you need both. Take an honest look at what you are trying to achieve. Do you have both the talent to achieve it and the dedication to put in the work to make it happen?
If you lack talent…
Don’t despair! Talent can be learned! (If you disagree with me, then I suggest you read Talent is Overrated by James Clovin)
Sure, there are some near impossible situations. If you are 45 years old, out of shape, and 5’3″ tall, chances are that you will never play in the NBA. But in that case, chances also are that playing in the NBA isn’t your real goal anyway.
For most real goals you have – being a great parent, furthering your career, starting a new business, etc. – you can develop the skill and talent to succeed. You just need to develop a plan to go out and learn what you need to. Read a book, take a class, talk to an expert, whatever. Just apply your dedication to learning those skills.
Then you can turn the “daydream” into reality.
If you lack dedication…
This one is a bit tougher. Remember, “talent without dedication is a nightmare.”
Being talented, while awesome, can also present its own set of challenges. If you have always had a talent for something, then perhaps you never needed to work at it. As such, you never developed the skill of dedication.
The talent you’ve naturally developed can only take you so far. To go farther, you will need to persist, push, and pick yourself up over and over again when you fall.
This is why so many solo-startups fail, why so many artists are never able to monetize their art, why so many people “self-limit” their own success. Assuming your current talent will be enough is a fast path to frustration and limited results.
This is going to sound harsh, but if you are not yet seeing the results you want then you are not yet talented enough! If you think you are great but are confused why the world hasn’t beaten a path to your door, don’t get angry, don’t get frustrated, and don’t get depressed. Get dedicated!
The dedication to work hard, get better, and do whatever needs to be done will take you where you want to go. Without dedication, you are just living a nightmare.
If you lack both talent and dedication…
Um, this would be weird. Basically you’re saying, “I’m not good at anything and I’m unmotivated to do anything.” In that case, you, my friend, are in serious trouble.
First off, you have a talent. Everyone has something they are good at. You may not have used it in a while, or you may have suppressed it, or you may just not be sure what to do with it. But there’s something there. Worst case, there’s something you want to be good at.
Second, I strongly encourage you to develop dedication. Start small. Set little goals; things that push you just a smidge out of your comfort zone every day. Make it your goal to do things to build dedication, not necessarily things that get you what you want. In the long run, that will pay off much more.
In the end, success is often simpler than we make it out to be. Be good and work hard. Be talented and dedicated. Just remember, neither one alone will cut it. Have both, and your golden…
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+