NetFlix Stupidity, Part 2 (Being Outwitted by an Envelope)
Last week I wrote about how my experience with NetFlix could teach us all lessons we about letting go. Turns out, there is a part two to that story…
As I mentioned in that post, I had Disc 3 of Season 8 of the X-Files in my possession for just over a year. I finally decided to “let it go,” and sent the DVD back to NetFlix, unwatched. Then I wrote my blog post about it, and for some reason writing about the experience re-piqued my interest in watching the X-Files! Isn’t that always the way?
But no worries, I was happy with my decision. I also knew that I had the option of re-requesting disc 3 in the future, after I had received and watched the new discs that should be on their way.Then things got interesting…
A day or two later, I check my mailbox and there is a NetFlix DVD in it. The DVD? “X-Files Season 8, Disc 3!”
“But Avish, how is that possible?? You just returned it!”
Well, it seems that the Motivational Smart Ass, who loves to point out the idiocy in the world, will from time to time succumb to a little idiocy of his own. You see, the way the NetFlix envelopes are designed, you have to rip off the top label (addressed to you) to get to the disc. Then when you put the disc back in the envelope, only the NetFlix address is visible. It’s really quite brilliant.
But I never even opened the X-Files disc in the first place! Seeing a sealed NetFlix envelope with the disc in it, I just dropped it into the mailbox. With my address still on label. So it got mailed back to me.
Here’s what’s interesting: guess what I did the day I received that disc? That’s right – I popped it in and watched an episode! Then, over the weekend, I watched the remaining three episodes on the disc!
So this disc, which I had had in my possession for over a year and procrastinated watching it while refusing to return it, got watched a scant 5 days after I decided to “let it go.” I am now eagerly anticipating watching disc 4.
Sometimes letting something go can be just the thing you need to do to get re-energized and re-interested. I had that disc for a year and didn’t care. I let it go and suddenly found myself wanting to see it. When I got it back I tore through it in two days.
If you have something in your gut that you are struggling with that you know you should let go of but are holding onto out of fear, then you should really consider taking action and letting it go. It may very well find it’s way back into your life in a much more positive way. If not, letting go was the right decision in the first place.
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
2 Responses to “NetFlix Stupidity, Part 2 (Being Outwitted by an Envelope)”
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“If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.”
Ok – well only the memories of watching the disk are yours forever, but whatever.
Good quote Rich – very appropriate, even if we are just talking about NetFlix movies!