Great Motivational Lines from Rush Songs
(Want more Rush? Join The Daily Rush Facebook Group! Each day I will post one Rush song and share my thoughts on it. All members are invited to share their thoughts on the song too. It’s a great way for new fans to learn more about Rush and for seasoned fans to revisit the catalog, one song at a time!)
Rush is awesome!
(No, not Rush Limbaugh. The Canadian rock trio, Rush.)
If you have been following my stuff for more than a week, you know I love this band. One of the things I love most about them is the awesome lyrics they write. Unlike most bands who write 50% of their songs about being in love, 45% of their songs about falling out of love, and then, for the remaining 5%, throw in an occasional “political awareness to show that I am not shallow” song, Rush songs cover a wide spectrum of topics. Not only do I find the music to be awesome, but I quite often find myself either reflecting or pumped up as I sing along (I also then realize that I can’t sing, but that’s the topic for another post…)
Here then are 5 great motivational lines from Rush songs (in chronological order):
1) Subdivisions
Album: Signals
Some will sell their dreams for small desires
Or lose the race to rats
Get caught in ticking traps
And start to dream of somewhere
To relax their restless flight
Somewhere out of a memory of lighted streets on quiet nights…
Perhaps my favorite set of lyrics ever. The song is about teens who have trouble fitting in when they live in the ‘burbs, so when they grow up they move to the excitement of the city. But then, as the lyrics above indicate, they eventually give up on their dreams, get frustrated, and move back to the suburbs out of memories from a quieter time (thus perpetuating the cycle). I know, it’s a very happy song…
Every time I listen to this song (which is quite often), I am reminded of the dangers of losing site of my big picture dreams, and to not settle for an existence that will result in restlessness and frustration. This is true regardless of whether you love or hate the suburbs.
Rush Wants to Know: Are you “losing the race to rats?” Have you “sold your dreams for small desires?”
2) Marathon
Album: Power Windows
Your meters may overload
You can rest at the side of the road
You can miss a stride
But nobody gets a free ride
More than high performance
More than just a spark
More than just the bottom line
Or a lucky shot in the dark
In the long run…
As the title indicates, this song is about the importance of constantly moving forward and not looking for just one big flash. The line “in the long run” is repeated through the song as a reminder that life is a very long marathon and not a quick sprint. And yet, too often, it seem like people look for a fast solution. Get rich quick schemes, rapid weight loss programs, one huge romantic gesture, etc. Much more often than not, these have no lasting effect.
I also appreciate the sentiment that it’s ok to get overloaded, misstep, or take a break. But at some point you have to get up and put one foot in front of the other. Remember: nobody gets a free ride.
Rush Wants to Know: Are you taking steady and constant action to progress your life, or are are you just fumbling around, looking for the “lucky shot in the dark?”
3) Mission
Album: Hold Your Fire
Hold your fire
Keep it burning bright
Hold the flame ’til the dream ignites
A spirit with a vision is a dream
With a mission
Fairly obvious lyrics. What I like though is the concept that just having the dream isn’t enough. We all have dreams. What they are saying here is to hold on to that dream until it ignites. This is a great balance between the commonplace advice of never giving up on your dreams and the importance of actually doing something about it.
A follow up line: “But dreams don’t need to have motion / To keep their spark alive / Obsession has to have action / Pride turns on the drive” Having dreams is great, and you don’t need to do anything about them to stay passionate. But at some point you need action and drive.
Rush Wants to Know: Are you holding onto your fire and keeping it burning bright? Are you keeping the dream alive until it ignites into drive and action?
4) Bravado
Album: Roll the Bones
When the dust has cleared
And victory denied
A summit too lofty
River a little too wide
If we keep our pride
Though paradise is lost
We will pay the price
But we will not count the cost
Perhaps my favorite Rush song ever (and by extension, perhaps my favorite song ever). Top to bottom, the lyrics in Bravado are awesome!
Simple point: If you try your best, keep your head up, and still come up short, do not count it as a failure. To quote Stephen Pressfield from the War of Art: “…it’s better to be in the arena, getting stomped by the bull, than to be up in the stands or out in the parking lot.”
Rush Wants to Know: What are you not attempting because your are afraid of being denied victory?
5) Resist
Album: Test for Echo
You can fight
Without ever winning
But never ever win
Without a fight
Achieving anything of note is rarely easy. Sure, you can make it fun, minimize the unpleasantness, and outsource the stuff you hate. But ultimately, there will be challenges (Ding Happens after all). If you are unwilling or unable to dig in and fight when needed you will never really win.
(Random side note: I think I instantly fell in love one year at a wedding when the bride’s sister said, “My favorite band is Rush,” and then quoted this song. Unfortunately for me, she was married with three kids. Hmm, maybe I should have heeded the songs advice of “never winning without a fight…”)
Rush Wants to Know: What struggles are you avoiding that are preventing you from winning?
You’ve probably noticed a theme amongst the songs here. They all focus on going after your dreams and not giving up when things get tough. Go figure, I’m the Motivational Smart Ass, remember?
Motivation gets a bad rap, mostly due to the fact that people have now realized that motivation isn’t enough. (Remember, “obsession has to have action?”) As a speaker, my presentations have a healthy dose of practical advice and actions people can immediately take. But this is not to say that motivation is meaningless; it’s not. Motivation is a critically important component, because no matter what great info I have, if I am not tapped into my inner drive, I will never take action on that information.
As I re-listened to these songs I found myself getting pumped up. I hope you’ll give them a listen too. But if Rush isn’t your thing, you can probably think of a handful of songs by artists you like that get you motivated. Use them to your advantage. Listen to those songs in the morning, or when you are feeling down or particularly unmotivated.
And please, if Rush isn’t your thing, keep it to yourself. I don’t think my heart (or blog) could take that kind of rejection…:-)
(Want more Rush? Join The Daily Rush Facebook Group! Each day I will post one Rush song and share my thoughts on it. All members are invited to share their thoughts on the song too. It’s a great way for new fans to learn more about Rush and for seasoned fans to revisit the catalog, one song at a time!)

By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
29 Responses to “Great Motivational Lines from Rush Songs”
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“If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”
Oh, and Rush is awesome.
Could not agree with you more that Rush is awesome; don’t forget the older stuff, though! Here are two examples, although there are many more.
Fountain of Lamneth: “Many journeys end here, but the secret’s told the same: life is just a candle and a dream must give it flame.”
Something for Nothing: “In your head is the answer / let it guide you along; / Let your heart be the anchor / And the beat of your song.”
Great stuff Greg. Lyrically I gravitate to some of the newer stuff (newer as in post 1980), but there is great stuff all around. I’ll have to revisit the earlier albums now. I’m sure they’ll be a “Great Motivational Lines from Rush Songs” Part 2. And Part 3. And Part 4. And so on, and so on…
I’ll start the post #2…
“Someone set a bad example, made surrender seem alright. The act of a noble warrior, who lost the will to fight.” –The Pass
I can’t argue with any of your choices, in fact I have to applaud your restraint. I think if I wrote this blog post it would still be going, and going… too many GREAT lyrics, not enough time.
OH man, Rush is the most awesome band there is. I agree with Mr.Heller, Rush has way to many great lyrics to be able to post. Rush needs their website to have a “Motivational Rush Lyric of the Day” section.
If the future’s looking dark, we’re the ones who have to shine. If there’s no one in control, we’re the ones to draw the line. Though we live in trying times, we’re the ones who have to try. Though we know that time has wings we’re the ones who have to fly.
I think a “Rush motivational lyric of the day” would be awesome! Maybe I’ll come up with it…
I love the Everyday Glory lyric you posted – I have been re-listening to that song a lot recently, and the lyrics are excellent. Thanks for sharing!
Hey there, I actually apprecitate your insights on being a motivational speaker. I read a lot of blogs in the industry but, I have to say the majority are garbage. It’s nice to see that your able to write something of value on this subject. As I’m sure you know there is lots of so known as motivational speaker “experts” but, I actually wish more people today took this seriously because, becoming key note speakers truely does impact peoples lives and has a massive impact on how they really feel. think how somebody feels on the inside is the most vital thing in life additional so than revenue or fame.
coiled for the spring or caught like a creature in the headlights
into a desperate panic or a tempest of blind fury
like a cornered beast or a conquering hero
Rush|Freeze (pt.4 of Fear)
“Some are born to move the world
To live their fantasies
But most of us just dream about
The things we’d like to be
Sadder still to watch it die
Than never to have known it
For you, the blind who once could see
The bell tolls for thee…”
Oh so true!
Thanks Jeff! I love this song and quote too!
This one changed my life:
The Enemy Within
“To you, is it movement or is it action?
Is it contact or just reaction
And you, revolution or just resistance?
Is it living or just existence?
Yeah you! It takes a little more persistence
To get up and go the distance”
Thanks Geddy, Alex and Neil, you guys helped a young fella find true North.
Thanks Tom – I love the lyrics from The Enemy Within – especially “is it living or just existence?” and “I’m not giving in to security under pressure, I’m not missing out on the promise of adventure, I’m not giving up on impossible dreams, experience to extremes”
my gf gave me an ipad with this inscribed in the back “courageous convictions will drag a dream into existence”. and she calls Rush “noise for nerds”. yet, she gets it.
That’s great! My wife kept an open mind when I introduced her to Rush, and now she’s a fan. Now a huge one, mind you, but she likes the music, we listen to some Rush in the car on long car drives. and she came with me to a concert 🙂
That’s a great quote – I can’ say I was familiar with it before, so thanks!
Well, maybe the lyrics to “The Garden,” off Clockwork Angels, are not at first take “motivational”, they remind us of the rigorous nature of identifying and tending to our priorities in life. Actions: nurture, protect Results: love, respect. “It’s a measure of a life.”
Thanks for the comment – love Clockwork Angels and the Garden. The original post was written before it came out though 🙂
I think the Garden is pretty motivational actually. Not in that “pump you up way,” but in the way that makes you reflect and think, and potentially act in a different way.
“Wish them Well” is another one off that album with a great message…
Quick to judge, quick to anger, slow to understand. Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand.
Rush, Witch Hunt
i cant SWEAR to it, but i am more than 99.9% certain that the lyrics below are off by a word
on the fifth line, i believe the correct lyric is NOT
“flight” but that it is actually “Plight” as in like meaning internal mental or emotional turmoil, angst or distress
“Some will sell their dreams for small desires
Or lose the race to rats
Get caught in ticking traps
And start to dream of somewhere
To relax their restless flight
Somewhere out of a memory of lighted streets on quiet nights…”
Wow, I believe you are 100% correct – great catch!
(in my defense, when I wrote this post I think I cut and paste the lyrics from some website to save myself some typing…)
Thanks for the correction!
Huge fan of Rush here ^_^
Here are some of my favorite parts from ‘Anthem’ by Rush –
Know your place in life is where you want to be
Don’t let them tell you that you owe it all to me
Keep on looking forward…no use in looking ’round
Hold your head above the ground and they won’t bring you down
Begging hands and bleeding hearts will only cry out for more.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting – always nice to connect with another Rush fan! Thanks for sharing – it’s been awhile since I thought about Anthem!
Too many wonderful words
These are from Time stand still
Like some pilgrim
Who learns to transcend
Learns to live as if each step was the end
Awesome! We played “Time Stand Still” as the song my wife and I walked out to after the ceremony at our wedding. Great song, great lyrics!
…..we are secrets to each other…each one’s life a novel no one else has read…just between us…(“entre nous” / Perm Waves)….
That’s my fave…
Love the boys!
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“…living in their pools, they soon forget about the Sea…” – Natural Science
When I got married (xxx) years ago I played Madrigal for my wife
“When the dragons grow too mighty
to slay with pen or sword
I grow weary of the battle
And the storm I walk toward
When all around is madness
And there’s no safe port in view
I long to turn my path homeward
and stop awhile with you.”
Every time I hear this song now, I fall in love with her all over again.
This is the one that comes back to me the most. (And it’s ironic because I am a drummer who was in a Rush cover band for 13 years and this is one of the few songs with no percussion when it was performed live.. and I actually prefer the live version by far.)
“I can learn to resist
Anything but frustration
I can learn to persist
With anything but aiming low
I can learn to close my eyes
To anything but injustice
I can learn to get along
With all the things I don’t know.”
I am 62 and Mr. Peart changed the course of my life when I was in high school and I am forever grateful that he has continued to be a fixture in my life for over 40 years.
Thank you for this page.