Who’s Smarter than a WWE Wrestler?
Not me, evidently. I received this email from a friend yesterday:
“Life comes with unexpecteds and without guarantees. The quality of your life will be better the less you try to run and find safety nets and havens from them. Your life is better served if you take it as it comes without over-thinking or over-planning how you can beat the odds of the unexpecteds and what-ifs.”
If you said Avish’s latest blog post, you’d be wrong. If you said the latest blog post by the Ultimate Warrior, you’d be right.
The title of said post…”Warrior Thoughts on Insurance”. Awesome.
for other warrior thoughts on religious freedom, healthcare, american conservatism…
oh, he’s also is a painter now. you just can’t make this sh!t up.
Yes, the man who wrestled in the 80’s (and briefly in the late 90s) as one of my favorite wrestlers, The Ultimate Warrior, is now giving advice that could just as easily have come from my mouth.
Note: to be fair, I just read this one quote, I haven’t been to the website. I’m not endorsing or recommending his site. I am however endorsing that you watch this awesome segment about the Warrior’s interviewing skills:
Wow! Did you understand any of what he was saying? Even if you caught all the words, they didn’t make any sense strung together the way he strung them together.
And now, 20 years later, he’s got a great quote on over-planning and fear. Granted, if you saw or heard some of the things I said 20 years ago, you might be wondering why on earth you’re listening to me now. Then again, 20 years ago I was sixteen…
For the moment, let’s put aside the Warrior’s face-paint, violence, and all around insanity, and acknowledge that this is a pretty good point.
Fundamentally, he’s talking about two things I often speak on: staying in the moment (i.e. not over thinking or over-planning) and being willing to fail. I have to say, I agree with him 100% that your quality of life is directly proportional to your ability to do this.
Think about the most stressed out person you know. I would bet money that they don’t do this at all. They desperately avoid uncertainty, try to over-think every detail, and drive themselves insane by repeatedly asking the “worst case what-ifs.
By simple embracing uncertainty and being willing to face whatever happens, you can diminish your stress and improve the quality of life. Here are a few tips on how to do that.
Now, how about a stroll down memory lane with some classic Ultimate Warrior moments:
Yup, me and the Warrior. Two great Motivational Smart Ass minds…

By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+