What Kind of Smart Ass Are You?
I’m the “Motivational Smart Ass.” What word would you put in front of “Smart Ass ” to describe yourself? “Motivational?” “Inspirational?” “Muppetational?” If you haven’t thought about it before, maybe you should…
I recently posted an article asking you What’s Your Word? That post talks about how when you distill what you think about the majority of the time down to one word, it can give you a good idea of what you focus and actions, and therefore results, will be.
To build on that idea, let me now as, “what kind of ‘Smart Ass’ are you?
My blog and brand is “The Motivational Smart Ass.” That’s how I see myself, and that’s how I believe people see me (and how I want them to see me) Even though I make a lot of jokes, am a bit sarcastic, and like to rant at stuff, under it all my goal it motivate and teach people how to do better.
So what kind of a Smart Ass are you?
What’s the adjective you would put in front of “Smart Ass” to describe yourself? More importantly, what word would others put in front of “Smart Ass” to describe you?
My friend David Newman is a Marketing Smart Ass. Neen James is a Productivity Smart Ass Mike Worth is a Video Game Music Smart Ass. If you visit their sites, you’ll know what their “Smart Ass” terms are within 2 seconds.
This is not just for business owners and entrepreneurs. Even if you don’t own a business you are trying to market, it is still worth thinking about your adjective. Are you the “funny Smart Ass?” The “loving Smart Ass?” “The depressing, bitter, and negative Smart Ass?”
Think about it: What kind of Smart Ass are you?
Now you may be thinking, “Avish, I have a good idea what my adjective is, but I don’t want to be called a smart ass.” If so, then what exactly are you doing reading a blog called “Motivational Smart Ass??” 🙂
Of course, we may just be on a different page when it comes to defining the term “Smart Ass.” To some, a smart ass is an annoying arrogant jerk. To me (and should be to you while you read this site), a Smart Ass is simple a person who sees the humor in everything, likes to point it out, and likes to make a lot fun of stuff but is smart enough to balance that with intelligence and consideration. Doesn’t sound so bad now, does it?
Why is this important?
This is not just a funny “ha-ha” way of describing yourself. This is about the impression you make on the world. This is about whether you are taking actions to be the person you really want to be. This is about integrity and authenticity and character – making certain that the person you are on the inside is the person the world sees on the outside.
Take a second now to think about what kind of Smart Ass you want to be vs, what kind of Smart Ass the world sees you as. Are they the same? If not, change the actions you are taking now!
So one final time:
What kind of Smart Ass are you?
P.S. Leave your answer to the question, “What kind of Smart Ass are you?” in the comments section below. I would love to see what kind of Smart Asses I have reading my blog…
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
2 Responses to “What Kind of Smart Ass Are You?”
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I’m a “Lovable Smartass” 😀
Thanks Larah – those are the best kind!