Reader Response Requested: Share Your “I Don’t Like” List!
Yesterday I published the post Is Your “Fun” Really Any Fun?” . The basic premise is that we all have things we just don’t enjoy that we feel we should because everyone else either enjoys them or tells us we should enjoy them. Well that’s just stupid…
I got some good responses to the post, including a couple of people sharing with me some of the things on their list of “things that society thinks I should like that I really just don’t.”
So today I am simply asking you to take a minute and think about all the things you feel you are supposed to enjoy but really don’t. Post your list in the comments below, and I will officially grant you permission to stop caring about those things no matter what anyone else thinks!
Here is my list from yesterday, along with a few additions:
- Fireworks
- Baseball
- Coldplay
- Parades
- John Irving novels
- Alien and Blade Runner
- Scotch
- Macs
- Indie flicks
- “The shore” (I don’t hate it, but what’s with the “Philly mass exodus” every weekend?)
- The entire “singer/songwriter” genre
- Any use of any children’s choir in any rock song (I’m lookin’ at you, “Another Brick in the Wall”)
Post your list below and then go out and have some real fun that you actually enjoy!
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
18 Responses to “Reader Response Requested: Share Your “I Don’t Like” List!”
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Things I’m “supposed” to like but don’t:
-Holiday meals with siblings and parents
-Watching kids play sports
-Watching anyone play sports, for that matter
-Local wines (unless I am in Bordeaux or similar)
-Sightseeing with clients
-“Classic” board games (Monopoly, Sorry, Life, etc.)
-Card games
-“Quality time”
Thanks Robert – I love your list! Thanks for sharing it.
“Quality time”…now that’s funny
Things I’m “Supposed” to Like But DON’T :
-Peanut Butter
-Two and a Half Men
-Nintendo Wii
-Happy Hours
-This past Season of American Idol
-Dancing With the Stars
-Evil Dead movies
-Geno’s/Jim’s/Pat’s Steaks
-Avish Parashar
Nice Craig, thanks!
I particularly like the last item on your list.
Sheesh, seems like everyone wants to be a smart ass these days…
Great post Avish! Here’s my list:
– Clubbing
– Linux
– the gin martini
– New York City
– Dane Cook
– Pie
– the Chicago Cubs
– BBQs/cookouts
– Bruce Springsteen
– Social networking
– [bracing myself for the backlash] The Office
-roller coasters
-peanut butter (just like Craig)
-cake (the ones with a ton of icing on it)
-Angelina Jolie
-and people in general 😉
Thanks PyP. You win the prize so far for “most things on someone else’s dislike list that are on my like list” The Office?? Really?
Ah, to each their own. Thank you for making the point…
Thanks Adrian. I didn’t think it was possible for a person to not like “Lost,” (one of my faves which I have even blogged about), but I guess that’s way it goes. Thanks for sharing!
I totally agree with the office, I liked the first season or so, but lately it just isn’t funny.
I suppose I’m now obligated to make a list:
-RPGs like WoW (both single player and MMO)- I just lose interest after awhile
– amusement parks (ugh)
– parades
– Excessively loud party music in any context (particularly in the rap genre)
– the beach (boring)
– Chocolate cake or ice cream (vanilla is much better)
– Facebook apps and/or myspace
– Laptops
– iphones
OK….some may need explaining:
— Holding little babies that I’m not related to (you never know what’s going to come out of them)
— Malls…(too much work to get to one store)
— Window shopping or “going in just to see what they have” (I shop when I need to)
— Looking thru photos of people I don’t know (like 100 of a colleague’s kid’s wedding)
— Nail polish (why was it invented?)
Ach! I had no idea that this topic would be open season on the Office! It’s one of my favorite shows…:-)
But I really agree with a lot of the rest of your list. I play the occasional solo computer rpg, but have never gotten into the MMOs, no matter how many people tell me how awesome they are
Thanks Tanya – good thing you explained. If your list had just said, “holding little babies” I might have gotten concerned. I do agree 100% on the “looking through photos” thing
Most classic rock
historical sites/reenactments
laughing when people fall down/get hit in the privates
sports cars
Thanks Julie! Amazingly, I think I like everything on your list (except historical sites and reencatments). I *love* Lost,classic rock, and football, and do enjoy Ikea and laughing at people when they fall or get hit in the privates (provided that that are not hurt!) Just goes to show, everyone have their personal tastes!
Oooo, ooo, I want to join in!
Things I don’t like.
– baseball on TV.
– watching track and field events.
– watching children play track and field events.
– going to children’s birthday parties.
– The three Star Wars “prequels”.
– Transformers after they converted Megatron to Galvatron.
– Children’s facepaint that you get at the zoo (trust me, it’s murder to get off).
– Big TV Networks (they must have a preferred personnel hiring contract with Hell).
Watching basketball
video games
American Idol
Watching tv all day
Visiting sick friends
Visiting family
Being around sticky nasty kids(who are supposedly cute)
Sci-Fi anything, including Star Wars and Tron
Drama from family and fri-enemies
I like being outdoors, around animals and learning.
I forgot to add- I hate beer.
It tastes nasty to me, I hate it.
I do drink, in fact I like Rum a lot, but I hate beer.
I hate it so much that I felt compelled to repeat many times here because no one in real life wants to hear that – I – HATE – BEER –
Thank you.
Thanks for sharing Kelly. Funny, but I actually really like most of the things on your list. But I suppose that’s the point of the post – we all like and hate different stuff, and that’s ok! 🙂