3 Responses to “Don’t Be A Goober!”


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  1. Who ever bailed on David was misguided [euphomism]. The Goober made a BIG mistake. Last week, David sent me some quick advice that gave my company a presence on YouTube. He’s got insight and he knows his stuff.

  2. Avish,

    Great points all. Here’s a quick story to underscore both your points #1 and #2.

    My uncle put an old sofa out on the curb early one morning with a handmade sign that said “FREE SOFA” Morning 1: No takers. Morning 2: No takers…

    The weather called for rain the next morning, so he changed his tack on the 2nd afternoon. He was heading out for some errands but before he left, he tore up the FREE SOFA sign and replaced it with another homemade sign. “SOFA: $10”

    By the time he came back from his errands early that second evening, someone had stolen the $10 sofa.

    Problem solved.

  3. admin

    Now that’s brilliant! Next time I need to give something away, I’ll add a price tag and conveniently turn away so someone can steal it! I love it…

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