Creepy, Lazy, & Stupid
No, I am not talking about Snow White’s newest dwarven companions, or three degenerate Smurfs. I am talking about some weird parking lot behavior I observed yesterday.
When I walked out of my gym yesterday morning, I noticed a car standing right in front of the gym. It was kind of double parked, but I couldn’t tell if it was running or not (there was someone in the driver’s seat). I walk past the car and into the parking lot, and suddenly the car starts to move and follow me.
You know, it’s a little creepy when a car starts to follow you in a parking lot. I wasn’t worried or anything, as if this was a stalker, it would be the least subtly stalker in the history of stalking. But still, it was weird.
I figured that maybe this was just a coincidence, and that the car happened to move just as I walked past.
The car is behind me as I walk down one of the lines of cars, but my car is in another line, so I walk between the cars to get to mine. The stalker car speeds up, whips around the end of the line, and stops near my spot with her turn signal on.
Ok, so this person just wanted my parking spot.
Here’s the thing: there were other open spots available! Sure, those spots were a little farther away, but we’re talking 30, maybe 50 feet. So this person, rather than park a little farther away, was sitting there waiting for someone to come along so she could get a closer spot.
Remember: we were at the gym! For the love of God, park a few feet away and drop 28 seconds off your treadmill time if you must.
Now, before you jump on me for being insensitive, I did hang around long enough to observe this person get out of the car and see that she had no physical disabilities that would require her to be closer (yes, I get that I was now stalking her, but if you’re stalking a stalker, it’s ok).
This was a small thing, but to me it was semi-mind-boggling. It was creepy, lazy, and flat out stupid.
Lesson: Stop Wasting Time Over Tiny Things!
How many people do you know drive around parking lots looking for a “close spot.” How much time and energy are they really saving? Is that out weighed by the time they waste driving around? Usually, the answer is yes. Just park the car and walk the extra 30 seconds.
This applies beyond parking too, of course. Stop wasting time obsessing over miniscule improvements or adjustments that not only aren’t worth it, but actually take away your time and energy from important things.
Here’s a simple life rule to follow: don’t be creepy, lazy, or stupid, and you will be just fine.
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+
One Caveat…if you have 6 or more kids, you get one drive around per kid looking for a close spot. It’s the time you save coming out of the store as well, remember! (Not to mention reducing the number of cars you walk past that may suddenly pull out, rumbling over one of your children, which wastes a LOT of time, with police reports and all.)
Thanks for the comment Rich – yes, i will grant you that if you have 6 or more kids, you probably have enough issues without worrying about carting them across the parking lot and making sure they don’t get smushed. I am ranting about people who waste time on unnecessary details, or are just lazy. I think 6 kids is a perfectly valid reason to make a couple of parking lot sweeps!