The Big Site Launch and (Slightly Belated) Birthday Bonanza!
Keep reading for some stupendous offers and some free stuff!
Check it out – I’ve launched a new site! Plus, I just turned another year older, so to celebrate both of those awesome things I am offering up some super discounts on my products and services, and also giving away a couple of great audio programs absolutely free!
The two free audios are:
- The Step by Step Process to Improvising With Anything! – A short audio where I cover the simple but powerful process that can show you how to react to the unexpected quickly, powerfully, and with a sense of humor
- Awesome Sales with Improv Comedy – An interview with sales communication expert Kirstin Carey on how the step-by-step process outlined above can help you rock the world of sales. Whether you work directly in sales or just want to learn how to be more persuasive in all of your communication, this is an awesome (and fun) audio!
The links to the files are at the bottom of this page. As you scroll down, be sure to read all the great stuff that is going on. Most of these offers are for a limited time!! Be sure to check them out and take advantage of them NOW
Big Deal #1: My Fees Are Going Up!
For a Short Time, You Can Lock in my Current Fee
Offer Expired!
Big Deal #2: $1,000 off November Speaking School!
This is an awesome week long speaking seminar limited to six attendees that will absolutely blow you away. Over the course of one week you will be immersed in the world of speaking and the world of improv comedy. You will emerge at the end of the week absolutely transformed as a speaker!
To read all the info, visit The Speaking School
Here’s the deal: Sign up by July 24th and you will get $1,000 off! That’s right, visit the page, put down your deposit, and you get $1,000 off. This event is one of a kind, it is amazing in it’s ability to develop you as a speaker, and there are only six spots, so check it out now.
Big Deal #3: “Make Me An Offer”
For both personal and professional reasons, I have identified 5 cities I would like to speak in this year (2009):
Phoenix, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Orlando
Make me a serious offer (give me a call at 484-366-1793 or send me an email), and if the timing, event, and offer is right, we just might be able to make it work!
I have never done this before and am not sure if I will repeat it, so this is your golden opportunity to get me at a huge discount…
Quick Details:
- Make me an offer
- Add $500 for travel and accommodations (flat fee, I’ll handle the arrangements)
- Engagement must be in either Phoenix, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Chicago, or Orlando
- Engagement must be delivered by December 31st, 2009
Big Deal #4: Product Discount!
Take 50% off two of my top products
Offer Expired!
New Website!
If you haven’t noticed, you are on a new website. That’s right, from now on I’ll be doing things under the Motivational Smart Ass brand. Some will love it, some will hate it, but you know what? I love it! And that’s pretty important.
Enjoy and explore the site. You’ll find:
The Blog -The heart of the new site. Here are some highlighted posts:
- When is Good Customer Service Not Good Customer Service?
- Hey Salespeople! Get Off the Script!
- 4 Dumbass Gym Behaviors
- 5 Examples From the Movies That Not Getting Your First Choice May Be a Great “Ding!”
- An Example of How School Tried to Beat the Creativity Out of Me
Audio files (yes, I’ve started podcasting)
Avish the Speaker Info about my keynote programs
Be sure to subscribe to the RSS feed!. Or, if you’d prefer to have new blog posts emailed to you, sign up to the email feed (Note: this is different from the Improvised Musings e-zine you may already receive)
Your Free Audios!
This is what you’ve been waiting for…
The audio files before are 100% free. You don’t even have to enter an email address!
However, if you would like to give me something in return, please consider the following:
1) Spread the Word – Send an email to all your friends letting them know about this offer and also the new website. You know that list of people you forward funny images and emails to? Send them a link to this site.Here, I’ll make it easy for you. Just cut and paste this into your email:
“I just checked out this cool new website: It’s got a very funny blog, and, for a limited time they’re giving away some cool stuff here: Check it out!”
(do it soon, a lot of these freebies and discounts expire soon…)
2) Help me get some social media awareness – If you like this page and site and think others will too, use the little buttons at the very bottom to add this page to Digg, StumbleUpon, and If you are not a user of those, you’ll have to register, but it’s free and only takes a second (and it will help me immensely)
3) Facebook – Post the link for this page to your Facebook account. If you don’t know how, just click this link
4) Twitter – Link to this page on Twitter. I’ve even pre-shortened the url for you: (my Twitter feed: avishp)
5) Your own list – If you have your own e-list, send them a link to this page letting them know about these fabulous free downloads which will only last a few days.
6) Subscribe – Subscribe to the RSS feed
That’s it! Now obviously, you don’t have to do any of that. The files are right below. But, wouldn’t it make you feel oh so much better if you did at least a few of those things…?
The Files
(please right click and choose “save as…” to download these files directly to your computer)
- The Step by Step Process to Improvising With Anything! – A short audio where I cover the simple but powerful process that can show you how to react to the unexpected quickly, powerfully, and with a sense of humor:Download: The Step by Step Process to Improvising With Anything! (32 minutes, 15MB)
- Awesome Sales with Improv Comedy – An interview with sales communication expert Kirstin Carey on how the step-by-step process outlined above can help you rock the world of sales. Whether you work directly in sales or just want to learn how to be more persuasive in all of your communication, this is an awesome (and fun) audio!Download: Awesome Sales with Improv Comedy (56 minutes, 26MB)
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+