Are You Ready to Stop Settling For “Ok,” Stop Waiting for “Someday,” and FINALLY Discover What You REALLY Want?
Have you ever sat there after saying that to yourself and then said, “But I have no idea what that is”? And then you put it out of your head and went back to staring at your computer screen…?
If so, then this is definitely the program for you.
The Age of Disengagement
According to a Gallup poll, in average organizations the ratio of engaged to actively disengaged employees is 1.83 to 1. That means over 35% of the workforce is not engaged in what they are doing. Gallup also estimates that this costs more than $300 billion in lost productivity.
If you are in that 35%, that huge number of disengaged workers, than maybe it’s time you stepped back and asked yourself, “what do I really want to be doing?”
I’ve Been There
I know what it’s like to be unsure of what you want to do. I have bounced around from engineer, to stand up comedian, to improv comedian, to entrepreneur, to computer consultant to filmmaker, to novelist, to professional speaker and to a variety of things in between.
It’s taken me a while with a lot of changes. So many times I thought to myself, “is this really what I want to be doing?” Even when people around me thought I was super happy and on the right path, I felt that nagging little urge inside me that said, “this isn’t it.”
Finally, I smartened up and applied my own work to myself. As a speaker and trainer, I work with groups and individuals on how they can think quickly, be creative, and figure out what they want and go get it. I started using my own techniques on myself and came up with an idea and a path that I am ecstatic about (I won’t go into the full details now, but it involves doing more than one thing, maximizing my skills, and prioritizing in a way that makes me very happy).
I know what it’s like to be doing something unsatisfying and wanting to do something more, different, or better, and not knowing what that is.
Because I know how much that feeling sucks, I have created this program:
Mining Your Gold!
This program is designed to do one simple thing: help you figure out exactly what it is you really want to be doing!
By going through this program, you will be able to:
- Answer that nagging question inside of you, “what do I want to do?”
- Gain clarity about your current situation and your future goals
- Access your creativity whenever you need it
- Create options for your future that you didn’t know existed before
- Figure out what exactly it is that you want, should, and need to be doing
What’s in the Program
Within the pages of the workbook and the audio instruction, you will learn:
- 8 different fears that block you from figuring out what you want
- 8 beliefs you picked up that make you feel “wrong” for trying to do something more, better, or different
- 7 effective ways to push through those fears and beliefs
- 15 powerful questions you can ask yourself to identify what you really want to do
- 10 different methods you can use to choose from amongst your options
- 11 common mistakes people make when trying to figure out what they want to be doing
- And more!
- A 46 page PDF workbook filled with worksheets, checklists, and instructions
- 9 MP3 audio tracks that guide you through the workbook and give you all the information you need to figure out what’s going on in your head (almost 2 hours of material!). Here are the track listings:
- Track 1: Introduction and Overview
- Track 2: The Fears and Resistances that Have Held You Back
- Track 3: How to Get Past Those Fears and Make the Most of the Process
- Track 4: Myths, Misperceptions, and Limiting Beliefs
- Track 5: Priming Your Creative Pump
- Track 6: Powerful Questions and Exercises to Figure Out What You Want
- Track 7: How to Select Which Idea to Pursue
- Track 8: Common Challenges People Face With This Process (and What to Do About Them)
- Track 9 : Your Next Steps
- It’s all in digital format, instant download format, which means you can be going through the program minutes after you order!

Plus a Big Bonus!
Because I know how much it can suck to be in this situation, I want to make sure I do as much as possible to help people figure it out for themselves.
So, as a bonus, I am offering a free 30 minute phone (or Skype) consultation to everyone who buys this program!
That’s right – if you want extra help working with someone who’s job it is to be creative and help others access their creativity and solve problems, then you’ve got it!
Sign up now and we’ll set up a time to talk on the phone where I can help you get past your blocks and figure out what it is you really should be doing.
Normally, this would cost close to $100 (and I don’t usually consult in only 30 minute chunks) so this is a huge value!
You’ll have 90 days from the time of purchase to collect on this bonus. Why 90 days? Because let’s face it: if you haven’t gone through the program by then, you’ll never do it. Consider this bonus as an incentive to get the work done!
To be honest, I don’t know how long I will keep this bonus up. If I get too busy or it starts overtaking my life, I may have to change it or take it down – so sign up now!
What I Am and Am Not Promising
I AM NOT promising the following:
- That you will make a million dollars doing nothing but sitting around on your butt
- That you will be able to quit your job tomorrow
- That you will magically have all the answers just by listening to and reading the program without doing any work
I AM promising the following:
- If you go through this program, listen to the audio, and do the exercises I promise that you will have a clear idea of what it is you really want to do, be, or have.
Simple, right?

Questions You Probably Have
Right now, you might have one of three questions:
1) Is it worth the money?
2) Do I have the time to go through the program?
3) Is it right for me?
Let’s take a quick look at all three of those questions:
1) Is it worth the money?
Yes, but only if you listen to the audio, go through the workbook, and do the exercises.
Consider this:
- How much is it worth to be able to figure out what you really want to do?
- How much time have you spent trying to ignore that little nagging voice that is letting you know you need to do something different?
- When you break down the cost, it comes out to about $1.42 per day for one month. If that’s too much, then this is probably not that big a problem for you.
Only you can decide the value of being able to wake up and not be dissatisfied or confused about what it is you really want to be doing. If that’s not worth at least 10 times the cost of this program, than it’s probably not for you…
2) Do I have the time to go through the program?
I don’t know, only you can decide that. However, I will say this:
- The program includes a “Quickstart Guide” which allows you to jump right into the meat of things
- The program also includes instructions on how to pace yourself if time is an issue for you.
- The audio is broken up into nine tracks, the longest of which is 21 minutes
- You don’t have to go through the program all at once. In fact, it is probably better for you to break it into pieces so your mind has a chance to mull
- You don’t have to do all of the “Powerful Questions” at once. Even spending 15 minutes a day answering 1 or 2 of them will be a huge help.
3) Is it right for me?
Maybe. Are any of the following true for you?
- I have a nagging feeling that something is missing, but I can’t quite put my finger on what that is.
- I don’t think I’m particularly creative, or I don’t know how to access my creativity, or I don’t think it’s all that important for me to be able to access my creative power.
- I have too many things I am interested in doing and I don’t know which one to choose.
- I have thought about what I really want before, but every time I start, something holds me back
- I have been working on a dream for a while, but now I am lacking motivation for it.
- I am wrong for wanting more. I should be realistic and just be happy with what I have.
- I have invested too much time and/or money into my current career path to make a change.
- I tried this kind of program once before and it didn’t help.
- I don’t think I’ll be happy doing just one thing.
If so, then yes, this program is right for you.
Keep in mind, there is a 30 day money back guarantee, so if you buy the program and go through it and decide that it’s not worth the money, that you don’t have the time, or that it isn’t right for you, let us know and you can get a refund.
Only $37
Yes, you get all that super stuff, plus 30 minutes on the phone (or Skype) with me, for just $37.
30 Day No-Risk Money Back Guarantee
If, for any reason you decide that this program is not right for you, let me know and I’ll refund your money.
Order Now
To order the downloadable PDF and MP3s now, simply click the button below and you will taken to our secure page where you can pay by credit card or Paypal

I’m not sure what you’re waiting for. Hurry up and order now and start living the life you really want to be living!
By Avish Parashar. As the world's only Motivational Improviser, Avish uses techniques from the world of improv comedy to engage, entertain, and educate audiences on ideas around change, creativity, and motivation. Connect with Avish on Google+